There were so many birds at the bird baths that I got some shots before cleaning the baths and putting in fresh water.

Very blurry but I like the personality that comes out in the next shot of the American Robins.

The juvenile robin was turning its nose up at me.

At first I thought the pink grass at the NC Art Museum park had some white grass mixed in but it turned out to be dew.

The next soft sculpture is new and it will take me a while to decide what I think about it.

The little girl gave scale to the next large sculpture.

The child had on purple wellies which were adorable on her.

The evening are getting cool which has given us some very pleasant mornings for walking.

The new trees which went in a few years ago when the new museum addition and reflecting sculpture gardens were put in are becoming established.

Before long there will be some bare trees which is what the next sculpture reminds me of.

My dogwood trees are changing more every day.

I was photographing my next door neighbor's dogwoods when I was startled to spot the pink blossom on the tree beside it.

Their Japanese Magnolia has a few blooms which is bizarre. This tree loses its leaves in the fall and sets buds in late winter. The blossoms are in early spring before the new leaves grow. I have never seen it bloom when it has leaves at the end of the summer.

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