
Blog Archive

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

ABC Wednesday: F is for feisty

Feisty, freezing, fine feathered friends.
Frozen footprints from feisty, freezing, fine feathered friends.
Food for freezing fine feathered friend.


Cezar and Léia said...

The cute birds don't care about the freezing weather!They are enjoying the day! :)
Beautiful images!

♥ Łucja-Maria ♥ said...

Carver, Road...
In the winter you and hungry birds.
Your photos are always very beautiful.
Waiting for spring. For me, there is still snow and cold.

I send greetings from distant Polish.

Wanda said...

What lovely pictures, and I just adore those little footprints in the snow... does look chilly.

Roger Owen Green said...

their FEATHERS look a bit FROSTY!

EG CameraGirl said...

WOW! Good job with the F-words, Carver!!

Leslie: said...

Looks awfully frosty and frigid and only for the birds! Have a great week,

abcw team

Luna Miranda said...

fabulous F words!
i like your fine feathered friends.:p

Anonymous said...

Oh the resilience of these feathered friends. I really enjoy your bird photos.

Nonnie said...

fine, fit as a fiddle and fabulous finagling of 'f' words!
and...I love the bird images!

Meryl said...

GREAT "F" Word. Have a great week...I look forward to "G!"

Joy said...

Lovely birds, if I had feathers I'd be fluffing them on a day like that. Our small friends are so resilient.
Joy - ABC Team

photowannabe said...

Love the frozen footprints from those feisty feathered fowl.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

You should write an alphabet book for kids! I love the word feisty.

Indrani said...

Freezing cold shots!
Great captures.

Hazel said...

I love how you successfully never used a word that did not begin with a letter F.

Hildred said...

Great photos and a wonderful choice of F words.

Sukhmandir Kaur said...

Cute little creatures and such pretty red feathers on the one.

Anonymous said...

mimi sa huppette

Unknown said...

Fabulous fine feathered fiesty friends!

caite said...

I guess they know how to stay warm when things turn frigid..

Crafty Gardener said...

Love seeing birds in winter.

Ann said...

They are more brave than I. Their little footprints are very cute.

SRQ said...

Good one for the letter F. That cardinal (I think that's what it is) is so sweet.


Oh, I love that you included their sweet snow tracks! Lovely captures of these birds:)

Lise said...

They look like Purple Finches...they are beautiful but also not so Friendly...quite shy is what I mean...great shots of them!

lissa said...

such sweet feather friends to share the cold with

sometimes I think being a bird is better but then I think of living outdoor and I would have to rethink

hope you're having a great day

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

so cute. tomorrow, I will use this for my lessons.

Deborah Kay at The Paint Splash said...

Fabulous F post

Chubskulit Rose said...

Despite the freezing cold, your fine feathered friends are always present.

Fitness... Fashion... Family

Playing catch up again with F entries..
Rose, ABC Wednesday Team


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