
Blog Archive

Thursday, March 28, 2013

SkyWatch Friday: Head in the Clouds

We've had some wonderful clouds during the end of March.
I love the way the recent clouds have had so much depth.
They look like I could jump on them.
It amazes me how many forms clouds can take.
I don't think I will ever grow bored watching the sky as it changes.
We even got a day with a blue sky for part of the day.
Then the clouds rolled back in.
We've had a lot of rain for part of some days but also partial clearing.
I think there was only one day (over the past 7) where it rained almost all day.
Most nights have dropped well below freezing but the rain has stopped when the temperatures dropped.
When the sky has been solid clouds there was still variations and depth.
One night at the end of sunset, there was a sci-fi feel to the sky.
More and more trees are starting to flower.
It almost felt like the sky was dropping down in the next shot.
I took the last shot at a stop light shooting through my side window.


Cezar and Léia said...

So nice to see the blossom, a delicious Spring energy!

Anonymous said...

What lovely blue skies. I adore the one with the pink blossoms.

Indrani said...

Soon they will be full blooms! How exciting!

Photo Cache said...

you sure had beautiful skies throughout the week. happy easter.

lissa said...

that's what I see when I look up this march but they're still wonderful to look at. thanks for these.

have a sweet day.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Perfect illustrations of the changeable nature of this month! Happy Spring! Happy Easter!

islandwonder said...

Very nice! Love the signs of spring.

Rajesh said...

Wonderful shots of te sky with the trees.

HansHB said...

Nice to see!

eileeninmd said...

I could sit and watch the clouds all day, so pretty. Gorgeous captures, Carver. Happy Skywatching!

TexWisGirl said...

beautiful blues and whites against the tree silhouettes!

lina@womens perspectives said...

Wonderful changeable sky!
Enjoying your shots here :)

Jan K. alias Afanja said...

Wonderful shots of a great variation of clouds.
Happy Skywatch and Happy Easter!

Misty said...

Really enjoyed the pictures and what you wrote. I enjoy clouds a lot and this was nice to journey along with you. :) Have nice w/end.


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