
Blog Archive

Thursday, August 22, 2013

SkyWatch Friday: August Skies

After a rainy day the sun came out long enough to set.
Sunday was one of the few days where we had partial clearing for most of the day.
Because of a very rainy summer, any blue is welcome.
I have a lot of sky shots because I take a bunch whenever it's not raining.
The shots in this post are only from three days because the rest of the time it was almost all gray.
I took a ton of shots during an art museum park walk.
I've used other shots from that walk on posts this week but still have plenty I didn't use.
While I'm writing this post it's pouring down raining.
It's raining so hard my gutters are filling up and the rain is streaming down in front of my windows.
Past droughts are fast becoming distant memories.
The next few shots were taken in Durham, NC at work.
I've shot the watertower many times.
I like the depth of the clouds in contrast to the clearer part of the sky below.
I quickly snapped the next shot driving from work back home to Raleigh, NC where I live.
I took the last two shots at home.
I like the way the contrail shot a diagonal line near the cloud.


Bibi Ka Maqbara post by Swati Singh said...

First !
Nice pictures :)

ZielonaMila said...

Fantastic photos, I like the view as these :) Regards

Indrani said...

I like the sky with golden glow! Terrific captures of the reflections!

♥ Łucja-Maria ♥ said...

Hello Dear Carver!
Just beautiful!
Fantastic photos!!!!!

Photo Cache said...

love the puffy white clouds against blue sky. so summery feel. is rain a typical summer occurence there?

Steffi said...

Fantastic skies ans views,Carver!Great choice!Have a nice weekend.

Anonymous said...

What a fantastic selection of photos

Sylvia K said...

Beautiful, wonderful skies, Carver! I really love your first shot! And you got some wonderful reflections as well! Hope you have a lovely weekend! Enjoy!

HansHB said...

Wonderful serie of sky-photos!

Leora said...

Great to see all that blue, Carver. I like the second one, with the reflection of the sky in the water.

paul said...

An abundance of skies and reflections.

eileeninmd said...

Carver, these are all lovely sky captures. The blue skies are beautiful. I love the reflection on the pond. Have a great weekend!

Nonnie said...

wow, what a plethora of beautiful skies!

Jim said...

Terrific shots.

Rajesh said...

Amazing views of the cloudy sky.

Anonymous said...

What lovely shots, especially the colours in the first one.

Cezar and Léia said...

wow the first image is awesome!
Happy weekend,

Alexander said...

Beautiful photos of the sky. Yes, it is always worth it to look up. I like the photo with the pond. The reflection from the water makes it stand out.

The photo with the water tower is another interesting shot. It gave the perspective as if it was either holding up the clouds or the water tower is like a vacuum; sucking in the clouds.

Either way have a wonderful weekend.

Alex's World! -


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