
Blog Archive

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

ABC Wednesday: C is for Caution

Careful at the crossing cause the train is a coming . . . 
 photo abcwedcautionDSCN9908.jpg
I'd hate to crash and be crunched cause I lacked caution.
 photo abcwedcautionDSCN9912.jpg
Can you see in the shot above where it looks like something crashed on top of the train? Click for the home of ABC Wednesday.


Betty Manousos said...

yep! i can.
such interesting photos-great share!

have a great day~

Ercotravels said...

Nice cool photos!!!! have a great day..

EG CameraGirl said...

Good advice to be cautious at train tracks!

Whispering Thoughts said...

I liked the way you put your words of advice

Roger Owen Green said...

People who try to run a train CROSSING are very irresponsible!

Shailaja V said...

I'm rather impressed by the alliterative use of C words :) That, coupled with the cool photos makes for a classy post.

'C' what I tried there? ;)

Richard Lawry said...

Awesome! If only like came with caution signs. :)
An Arkie's Musings

♥ Łucja-Maria ♥ said...

Yes, it is an important issue. At crossings killed too many people.
Greetings from distant and cold Polish.

photowannabe said...

I wonder if the Conductor of the train wasn't Cautious. It definitely looks like something Crashed the top of the train.

Ann said...

Can't ever be to careful at RR crossings.

Hildred said...

Yes, look both ways - maybe even twice....great photos and a good cautionary choice for C

Leslie: said...

Fabulous shots! And thanks for your lovely comments on my site.

abcw team

Leovi said...

Yes, really a great hit, must have been with the train at full speed!

fredamans said...

Wonder what caused the damage.

ellen b said...

It's good to be cautious, especially out on the road!

Gattina said...

Great findings ! especially the railway crossing !

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Somebody put a good dent in the skin of that car. Now I'm intrigued.

Obsessivemom said...

Lovely shots there. Crashing into a train is a scary thought.

Snapperoni :: Photography said...

I have to agree, one can never be too careful. A good reminder to all.

Nabanita said...

It's a scary thought to think about coming infront of a train! C for Caution indeed :)

Powell River Books said...

There are lots of trains running through downtown Bellingham where we have a condo. They slow down a bit as they cross busy streets, but you have to be very conscious and careful. The number of trains is constantly increasing carrying coal to export facilities north of town and in Vancouver, BC. - Margy

Nonnie said...

with CAUTION is the way I'm walking nowadays, what with snow and ice! but everyone should use caution when nearing rails. yes, I noticed the dent. makes me wonder what caused it.
be safe and stay warm!

Nydia said...

Caution is always a must in streets and roads!

AmitAag said...

Caution! Crunch!! Crash!!!
A wonderful post, Carver:)

Kay L. Davies said...

I remember when I wasn't particularly cautious, and thinking of the one time I drove through a train crossing as the arms came down can still give me shivers. Thanks for the reminder!


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