
Blog Archive

Monday, May 19, 2014

Combined Nature Notes and ABC Wednesday: S is for Shade

We are moving into the shady time of year where I live. The deciduous trees lining the streets are wearing their new leaves.



DeniseinVA said...

Great photo and I love this time of the year when the leaves are bright and green and the sunshine dances through them and leaves all those shadows on the ground. Have a great week Carver!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Such an inviting neighborhood especially on a hot summer day!

Indrani said...

Wow! The green is so soothing!

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful sight!

ZielonaMila said...

Fantastic green shot:) Greetings

MaR said...

Beautiful shot and trees, I love this type of shade!

S is for...

Karen said...

How gorgeous Carver, it looks like summer! We are way behind in the leafing.

Leslie: said...

That is such a beautiful scene! The trails where I walk Tegan is like that now. I have watched it transform from the bare brown of winter into the shady depths of green trees and bushes. Isn't that wonderful?

abcw team

Roger Owen Green said...

And provides good shade!

genie said...

Gorgeous greenery. So bright and fresh looking. What a great place to go for a walk.

Arnoldo L. Romero, MLA said...

That is a very quaint looking neighborhood. Happy ABC Wednesday and Blessings!

eastcoastlife said...

Love the greenery and it would be more cooling walking under the trees.

AmitAag said...

Lovely great greens!

Ingrid said...

What a beautiful view on your street !
ABC Wednesday Team

JANU said...

That's a wonderful green :)

Trubes said...

That is a wonderful picture Carver, so verdant.
I would love to walk along there, lovely.

Best wishes,


Gillian Olson said...

It is a beautiful time of year, lovely picture.

SamuraiFrog said...

It looks summer-y there! We've had snow AND hail this week here in Northern Illinois, but I'm on pins and needles for swimming pool and shade weather.

Cristina Pop said...

What a great photo! I just love those green big trees!

Kalpana said...

Very evocative of summer! Superb.

Rambling Woods said...

You need that shade where you live Carver.... Pretty green trees... Michelle

Pat said...

Lovely, tree-lined street.


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