
Blog Archive

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Nature Notes and Our World Tuesday: Photographs I took on the first day of 2015

I took some shots of Jack Frost's visit to the leaves in my back yard.


I liked the light on my nandina bush.


Bill and I went on a walk mid morning as we usually do on New Year's day.


The shallow parts of the stream and marsh had some ice.


It was a beautiful day.


I thought the Canada Geese were posing for me.


The cormorants looked like they were standing guard.


I almost missed the heron hiding in the woods.


A good day to start off the new year followed by a rather wet but warmer weekend.


Click here for nature notes and here for Our World Tuesday.


Rambling Woods said...

Nice walk and how lucky to have some the frost photo Carver.... Happy New Year... Michelle

maryaustria said...

An amazing series of photos!Love them all but my favorite is the first one!

Fun60 said...

Perfect start to the New Year with a wonderful walk in those crisp temperatures.

carol l mckenna said...

Wonderful nature shots! Love the first one and the heron is awesome!

Happy New Year to you,
artmusedog and carol

eileeninmd said...

Carver, lovely images from your walk. The bird shots are all great.. And the sunshine looks warm and wonderful..It is cold here today.. Have a happy New Year!

Amy said...

wow some lovely photos in there!

Leora said...

Love Jack Frost and your heron. I always enjoy seeing the water in your photos - those are really appealing, like I'm on the walk with you.

Maybe one of these days I won't be catching up on my work or helping my daughter with her homework and I can post some of my recent bird pics, too...

Rajesh said...

Beautiful captures. Wonderful start for new year.

Anonymous said...

What a lovely day for a walk and nice shots.

Indrani said...

Very beautiful captures.
A very happy new year to you Carver!

Ingrid said...

Beautiful pictures !

EG CameraGirl said...

I especially like the first photo with the frost on the leaves!

DeniseinVA said...

A lovely day in your part of the world Carver. Great shots as always!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

A nature walk is a great New Years Day tradition. And you have the perfect place for it. The frosted leaf is beautiful., and lots of winter birds. Perfect!

Rebecca said...

Great photos! Thanks for sharing. Have a great year!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Now that was a walk!!!!...:)JP

Powell River Books said...

We've had a heron hanging around our cabin this winter. He must be over-wintering somewhere nearby. They sure make a prehistoric sound. - Margy

Karen said...

What a great start to the New Year!


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Photographs on this site are by Carver © 2006 - 2019