
Blog Archive

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Two week's of Sunday's

Sunday December 6 was seasonal with a chilly start to the day.


I am fascinated by bird bath ice, in and out of the bath, although I know it's no fun for the birds.


When there aren't very many birds visible in my backyard I can usually find a hawk keeping guard from the trees and making some other birds stay out of site.


The camellia below surprised me as I photographed it the same day as my bird bath was making ice and my camellia sets buds in the winter and blooms in the spring. Confused bush. 


The rest of these shots were taken today, Sunday December 13 which was a spring weather day.


We walked at Falls Lake (Blue Jay Point - Wake County Park) and I was able to take my light jacket off half way through the walk.


The warmer weather is going to last well into the upcoming week.


It's kind of nice to have a few days here and there that are more like spring than winter.


There were a lot of people taking advantage of that at the park.



DeniseinVA said...

You took a lot of great photos at this park Carver. Very enjoyable, thank you.

JoAnn ( Scene Through My Eyes) said...

Wonderful photos. How nice to have a warmer day now and then. We are still having heavy winds and rain here in the Pacific Northwest - some are even flooded. Enjoy your week ahead.

Rambling Woods said...

So nice to be able to take a walk there....

Annie said...

It's been some crazy weather for December! I had to turn on the AC in my car this weekend! Love your photos and very cool to see the hawk.

Photo Cache said...

Have a very merry Christmas Carver and see you next year.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

I can't believe that beautiful camellia ..l confused, but with good reason obviously. Crazy weather , nothing like an El Niño year. I remember your birdbath ice sculptures and am happy to see this Winters version!

Indrani said...

Lovely captures from your walk.
The thin sheets of ice are well framed.

YTSL said...

Beautiful shots. Love the one of the hawk. It's gotten cold here in Hong Kong this week -- but I suspect that our "cold" is still warm by your standards! ;)

Ela said...

That's a beautiful place to walk !!
Gorgeous pictures !!

Donna@Gardens Eye View said...

Wonderful images seems the spring-like weather is everywhere.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Just stopping back by to say Happy Holidays ... Hope you get some time off!

Penelope Postcards said...

Ice can look like cellophane wrapping sometimes and is fun to photograph. I have been hearing about the more temperate climate in the east. It is something to definitely appreciate while it lasts. :) Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas, Carver!


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