
Blog Archive

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Early Fall in Central NC

The central part of NC where I live in is still in the early part of fall.


We are usually two to three weeks behind the NC mountains. 


It's starting to look more and more like fall since the maples and dogwoods and a few other trees have put on their fall clothes.


The oak trees are among the last to change.


Living in a city with the nickname "City of Oaks" means until the oaks change colors we still have a lot of green.


My oaks haven't started changing at all yet.


But I have a lot of dogwoods in my yard and neighborhood which is making it colorful.


There also still a lot of flowers blooming.


The Japanese Magnolia above is not supposed to bloom until spring.


Although it's my next door neighbor's tree I think of it as mine since I see it from my kitchen window and I've seen numerous families move in and out of that house.


The first bunch of shots are ones I took yesterday at home and running errands.


I took the lake and trail shots today on the Falls Lake trail.


The magnolia I mentioned has bloomed too early before and lost the flowers to snow or hard freeze when tricked by a mild winter but by too early I mean February.


It's hard to imagine what will happen since it's already blooming in October. 


If it was just the few blossoms I wouldn't be concerned.


What worries me is that it's full of buds that shouldn't have started forming until late winter.


Bizarre to have buds and flowers before the leaves drop.


That type of magnolia loses it's leaves in the fall unlike the larger magnolias that keep their leaves year round.



Penelope Notes said...

I like the gnarled tree roots and shots of the water that looks so clear and clean with a bit of reflections. We have some early buds in my neck of the woods too. They seem a little confused with the timing but with the unpredictable weather we sometimes get who can blame them. :)

Rambling Woods said...

Lovely fall color Carver. We are still in drought here which is affecting our fall colors... Michelle

JoAnn ( Scene Through My Eyes) said...

Beautiful photos - what a lovely part of the country you live in.

DeniseinVA said...

Fantastic photos Carver. Love those gorgeous trees and their reflections.

Lady Fi said...

The fall colours are just lovely!

baili said...

so pretty and joyous ,neighboring trees are mostly so kind and friendly ,i too enjoy through my window the beauty of my garden dear

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

I think you live in the right part of your beautiful state.... I'd trade hotter summers for a later winter any time. Love the hints of Fall color and the flowers still blooming. At the first picture of the blooming magnolia, I was thinking I would comment something about " oh no, too early" but then you said it . We used to have that kind of thing happen sometimes when we gardened here in Oregon...where I suspect the climate is kind of similar actually.

Photo Cache said...

It must be glorious out there during this time of the year.

lissa said...

I suppose nature is just like us - they can be unpredictable and temperamental but I wouldn't think too much on it

gorgeous shots, have a lovely day.


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