
Blog Archive

Friday, November 25, 2016

November 19 through the 25th, 2016

As I've mentioned on the last few posts we've had a later and prolonged fall this year.

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The shots at the beginning of this post were taken at my neighborhood lake (Shelley) last weekend.


But we still have a lot of fall color even now.


I don't think I can ever remember a Thanksgiving with leaves still on the trees. 


The shots above were taken on November 19th and the next few below were taken on the 20th and 21st.


The shot above is one of the oak trees in front of my house and the next shot was taken when I was running errands.


I think the clouds above look like dancers.


I love the way pine cones and pine needles look with autumnal light.


The next batch of shots were taken on Thanksgiving day.


It started off drizzling and raining but by the time I got to Oxford where Bill has retired the blue sky was peeping through.


Bill made a delicious Thanksgiving dinner. 


We alternate holiday meals so I'll be doing Christmas dinner in Raleigh this year and he did Thanksgiving in Oxford.


The oak above is in Bill's front yard. 


Until recently Bill lived in a townhouse in Raleigh near where I live but after retiring he bought five acres of land and an old farm house in the country.


I still live in the same house Bill and I bought in 1984 several years after we were married and a year before our daughter was born. 


The shot above and the rest of the shots in this post were taken today, November 25, 2016.


I went on a walk at Shelley Lake and one sign of winter coming is the geese have mostly moved to the dam and the gulls are starting to return to the part of the lake with the long bridge.


The gulls go somewhere else in the spring (I suppose to breed) and return here to the lake in the winter.


The geese tend to move to the dam and big field in the winter and don't congregate as much near the bridge until the goslings are born and walking well.


The pair of mallards above are the only ones I saw at the lake today.


Hard to pick out shots.


I took so many because even with a very late fall I can't believe the colorful leaves will stay on the trees much longer.


Last week we had several nights that were well over 10 degrees below freezing.


I hope everyone that celebrates it had a happy Thanksgiving.



Penelope Postcards said...

Sounds like you had a nice Thanksgiving. So many lovely shots here, from the strong oak tree on Bill’s yard to the forest pathway. Your first picture of clouds in this series is amazing. They really do look like wispy dancers or perhaps winged dragons in the sky. That’s what I like about clouds … they peak the imagination.

Lady Fi said...

Wow - such amazingly gorgeous shots!

Photo Cache said...

The shots are wonderful, cannot pick a fave, although the dancing clouds have caught my attention.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Oh it is still so beautiul where you are. That red color is wonderful. I like your Holiday trade off tradition .. and it is a pretty drive for whoever gets to travel.
At least for the November Holiday -- I supposse December may be iffier.

Thank you for your kind comment -- my hands are healing -- I hunt and peck type with a stylus in my left hand (not very well). Not a major deal and I shouldnt have whined so much. Falls are scary though..

Rambling Woods said...

You are having a beautiful fall Carver

lissa said...

I'm looking at these shots in december but it's nice to see the colorful leaves, and the cloud-filled skies. where did the time go?

hope you have a lovely december.


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