
Blog Archive

Thursday, December 22, 2016

2016 winding down

Another year prepares to bite the dust.


I hope we will move into a peaceful 2017.


I have reached the age where uneventful is a good thing.


I certainly wasn't always like that.


For me the big events I enjoy are happenings like the gulls returning to the lake for the winter.


It's odd the way gulls leave the lake near my house in the spring and return in the winter.


Another change at the lake is the Canada Geese move away from the sandbars at the bridge in the winter and hangout on the dam and in the fields.


The Canada Geese return to the long bridge and sandbar side after their babies are starting to grow up and sometime before then the gulls go away until the next winter. 


I've never quite been able to figure out the reason for these shifts.


Cormorants are another group that tend to disappear in the summer and come back in the fall. 


The gulls and cormorants hang out on the sandbars that were full of geese until about a month ago when the geese moved to the other part of the lake. The mallards tend to hang out pretty much anywhere around the lake without visible changes by season.


lissa said...

ahhh snow days to come, can't wait, well, not quite, does it not seem like winter came too quick?

nice, calm views here.

have a lovely day.

Penelope Notes said...

I can almost feel those leaves on the ground crunching under my feet in that last picture. My warmest best wishes to you and yours Carver! Lovely peaceful scenes in nature can give hope for a brighter future. I will be glad to see 2016 bite the dust!

Indrani said...

Great series of captures Carver!
Health, love and happiness I wish to you,
Merry Christmas and good tidings too.
Have a wonderful Christmas!

Lady Fi said...

Lovely shots. I love the tiny snowflakes on the leaf.

Photo Cache said...

I love uneventful too. I suppose I have reached that age too.

Have a productive 2017. I enjoyed coming over here and looking at your plants and your walks around the lake.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Loving your peaceful shots. Ordinary is good. We used to go to a farm garden store where the old lady who ran it had a banner behind her counter that said "Thank God for Ordinary Days". That's kind of my motto too these days. Happy New Year. Peace and Joy.

Rambling Woods said...

I hope for a peaceful, healthy and happy New Year for you and your family Carver.... Michelle


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