
Blog Archive

Saturday, December 22, 2018

Winter 2018 - 2019

We had an early snow for us between December 8 and 10, 2018. 

The shot above almost looks like the sun is rising but that's a street light on the right and that's where the sun sets in relation to my house.

The shot below is of my neighbor's son's play house at the top of his slide. 

Below is my front yard with St. Francis almost completely covered.

We had a late fall so after it snowed the rest of the leaves fell from from the trees.

I always see juncos (above) in the winter when I put out food during a storm.

I see cardinals (male above and below) all the time as well as rufous-sided towhees (female below right).

I think that's a sparrow below. I get sparrows and some finches mixed up.

Below is a female cardinal right and a male rufous-sided towhee. 

Peace and I wish everyone a magical season during whatever they may celebrate. 


Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

And a magical season to you too Carver! (And thank you for sharing the magic of your snowy yard. Adore the birds, and that snowy picture with the one red leaf is wonderful.)

DeniseinVA said...

Great snow shots Carver. All beautiful!

Penelope Notes said...

These soft puffs of snow do seem mellow and wonderful as does the playhouse peeking through. Hopefully you don't have to do too much driving in it though. :) My very best wishes for a happy holiday to you and yours!

lissa said...

I wonder why birds are out during snow days. lovely snow shots there.

have a lovely day.


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Photographs on this site are by Carver © 2006 - 2019