
Blog Archive

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Wordless Wednesday: Battle scarred, world weary, but able to fly

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SandyCarlson said...

That's an inspirational shot, Carver. Thanks.

jams o donnell said...

What a wonderful photo. Happy WW

Susan Demeter said...

Terrific shot, and yes very inspirational :) Happy WW Carver!

Anonymous said...

Oh I love how you caught him in stride! Wonderful...

Anonymous said...

what a wonderful shot! love the title ... :)

maiylah said...

i agree, it's really inspirational!
great one, Carver.

Napaboaniya.Elaine Ling said...

I love the caption you've given the picture :)

Anonymous said...

How can he fly? Wow!

Mimi Lenox said...

Amazing photography, my friend. Simply amazing.

My WW is HERE.

Gabriel said...

Lovely picture! I like the colours almost as much as I like the goose's attitude :-)

Thanks for dropping by. Happy WW!

Ladynred said...

It's beautiful shot! I love it!
Home and Garden

Anonymous said...

Wonderful and sweet shot!!
Happy ww :)

Carver said...

Thanks to everyone for visiting and commenting. I thought I'd mention that although the duck looked injured with the feathers sticking out, he did eventually fly back to the water. However, he kept well away from the other ducks which made me think they had been picking on him.

Indrani said...

Way to go, Ducky!
Great shot!

Shelia said...

Thanks for sharing this fellow. He's today's inspiration.

Happy WW!

CK Ng said...

Nice composition. Happy WW! :)

maryt/theteach said...

Such a great shot, Carver! You caught him in mid-stride! Fantastic! Happy WW! :)

eastcoastlife said...

That is me right now. :(

Rhonda Gales said...

Love the caption, and the ducky.

tonya said...

That is a great shot!
Happy ww!

Raven said...

Poor baby!

Barb said...

I want to know this little duck's story. Compelling shot, Carver.

Dee said...

Spoken like a true cancer survivor, Carver!

Quarantine Hobby said...

What a wonderful shot...beautiful caption, too.

Happy WW :)

Carver said...

Thanks again to everyone for visiting. As I mentioned a ways up I was relieved when the duck flew back to the water because I wasn't sure it could fly at first. I think it was more fearful of the other ducks than it was of us but it did find a spot in the water away from the others. Although I didn't see it in a fight (it was already on the bridge when we got there), that's what it looked like had happened.

Anonymous said...

Beautifully done!

Thanks for dropping by my place. :)

Anonymous said...

That's a great photo! And the caption too! :)
Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment! :) Have a great day!

mimi11460 said...

Fantastic shot and inspirational..Happy WW

Carver said...

Thanks again to everyone for visiting.

Horsoon said...

The floor boards, the railing and its shadows make this a perfect composition. The bird adds life/drama to it! Love this!!

Heart of Rachel said...

My heart goes out to that poor fella. I hope he makes it in his journey.

Rambling Woods said...

Geese and ducks molt their flight feathers and are unable to fly for 3-4 weeks during the summer. This male is molting into feathers that look more like a female so that he can hide more easily. Right after the molt he will regain his green head and gray body breeding colors as pairs mate up during the fall and winter...

Carver said...

Michelle, Thanks so much for the information about the duck. I also posted on your site. I appreciate it so much.

Thanks again to everyone for visiting.

Rambling Woods said...

You're welcome, I didn't want you to worry about it.I forgot to add that my blog has a post (and photos) from a day ago about mallard fights and they do fight and do get injured when the "fairer" sex is involved.


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