
Blog Archive

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Wordless Wednesday: Summer Candy

This is my wordless Wednesday post for Tuesday and Wednesday. To find other participants you can go to WW Home or technorati


Anonymous said...

Plump looking berries and looking lovely as it is :)

SandyCarlson said...

That is very, very beautiful. They look delicious!

Juliana said...


Mine in here and here Thanks

Anonymous said...

nice shot.

My WW in here

Michele said...

The composition of this is delightful!!
Great job! I really do like this.
Mountain Retreat Photos

Anonymous said...

Love it! Our blackberries aren't ripe yet but I was out early picking a few ripe blueberries for my breakfast. have a great day...

Tink *~*~* said...

They are shiny like jewels. Bet they're delicious, too! :D

Tink *~*~*
My Mobile Adventures *~*~*

Ryanne said...

I love fresh berries they look so yummy! Happy tuesday

Anonymous said...

i am drooling over those berries!

jams o donnell said...

I'm looking forward to picking blackberries but they are not ripe here yet. Happy WW

Carver said...

Thanks to everyone for visiting and commenting.

Anonymous said...

they look so delicious!

Lori said...

They almost look too pretty too eat:) Happy WW.

Anonymous said...

Very nice presentation. Well done. Happy WW.


Indrani said...

Yum juicy berries, but I think I like the platter more. :)

Anonymous said...

Makes me want a snack!

Carver said...

Thanks again to everyone for visiting my WW post.

Hootin Anni said...

summer candy indeed!!!! [insert me drooling all over your comment box!]

My W W is shared, come on over!!

Anonymous said...

they look so lovely against the pretty dish. happy WW

Princess Vien said...

nice shot!!

Mine is up!!

Happy WW!!

MaR said...

Delicious summer candy and lovely dish too!!

Anonymous said...

Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm The best candy in the world!!

Daryl said...

Yummmmm ... how funny every wordless post I have looked at this morning is FOOD!

and thank you for your encouraging words about my sister's cat Ally ... really appreciated


Daryl said...

I am SO laughing at myself... you must think me insane ... I confused you with CRAVER! Sorry!


Carver said...

Thanks to everyone for visiting. It is fun seeing that others had food and berry shots on their WW. Daryl I didn't think you were crazy at all.

Anonymous said...

Nice shot. Wish I could reach in that dish and grab a couple of those!
Have a great day!

Horsoon said...

This is so beautiful it's like jewals!! Great work Carver!

mimi11460 said...

lovely and delicious...

Carver said...

Thanks again to everyone for visiting.

Heart of Rachel said...

Those are luscious looking berries.

AscenderRisesAbove said...

this photo really makes you pause as the reddish orbs look like another fruit and you try to figure out what kind they are; also so perfectly placed in a circle. An "ah-ha" photo!


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