
Blog Archive

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Skywatch Friday: Shot from around the lake on each side

To find other participants please visit the home of SkyWatch Friday.


Juliana RW said...

amazing shots, so lovely view

I hope you stop by at my SWF post also in HERE. Thanks

EG CameraGirl said...

I like seeing the lake from different angles. Nice idea. Happy Sky Watch!

Anonymous said...

I love the collage photos! Nice skies too:) My SWF is posted HERE. Happy Sky Watching!~

Aisha said...

Hi Carver! Love how you posted sky photos! :) They look awesome!

Dewdrop said...

Nice collage there, Carver. Beautiful shots! I love a mackerel sky. I also love reflection shots! Amazing how similar yet so different they are. A friend once said to me that she loves to photograph the sky because you are capturing that moment, and the sky will never again look exactly the way it does in that moment.

Anonymous said...

What fun shots around the lake. Looks like a great place to walk...

imac said...

Oh-these are great Carver, super collection.

Photo Cache said...

This is like going to a restaurant and getting their tasting menu. Wonderful. I enjoy my visits here.

Rose said...

I just looked at the webalbum this came from--you have some wonderful shots there! I really enjoyed it.

Carletta said...

Beautiful collage of whispy clouds!
They all capture great skies.

Craver Vii said...

I especially liked the winding roads. It looks like a place I'd want to go to.

Barbara said...

Amazing set of photos, I love to see skies like this.

Leslie: said...

Lovely swirls of colour in the sky. I bet you had a wonderful day taking those photos. Come and see my simple shot over at my Photologue. :D

Anonymous said...

I love watching clouds - you have a great series of clouds here. Thanks for sharing.

Pretty Life Online said...

Perfect one for Skywatch! I truly enjoyed viewing God's handiwork.... Happy Skywatch! Hope you can visit my SWF entry too...

Tom said...

What a loverly place to have to walk around... your collage is a cracker

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Carver: Very nicely done, you captured the lake so well by doing this collage.
I heard from Michele and she is medicated and will go to a larger hospital next week. She will try to post this weekend if the pain allows her to do it.

Quiet Paths said...

I love this collage. It's so serene.
Thank you.

DeniseinVA said...

A beautiful series of photos. Looks extremely pretty there. Happy SkyWatch Friday

mimi11460 said...

Hello it's a amazing shots, very beautiful views..

Maria's Space said...

Wow...that is an amazing bunch of shots. Love the collage.

Horsoon said...

Same lake but what a vast difference shown on the sky... I'm begining to love Skywatch now...

Anonymous said...

Nice blue pictures of clouds from all sides :)
Happy Skywatch Carver!!

Dirkjogt said...

Nice set of pictures, water and clouds does it always good.

magiceye said...

lovely collage of beautiful skies!

Anonymous said...

Great collection - I like the presentation.

Laura ~Peach~ said...

beautiful lake ... Ours is drying up it is at an all time low since the damn was built in 1951... its sad really!

Gemma Wiseman said...

O wow! This collage is dynamic! Beautiful collection of skies and landscapes!

me ann my camera said...

This is all so circular in its beauty! Lovely.

Arija said...

Nice montage, I think I like the last the best.

Roses and Lilacs said...

Very nice collage. Beautiful scene.

MaR said...


Anonymous said...

Beautiful pictures. It's allways fun to play with this kind of clouds.

becky aka theRAV said...

These are wonderful, Carver. The upper right hand corner one reminds me of ribs as in rib cage. Not the kind you eat! LOL

Anonymous said...

nice bright & blue skies there carver! with just the right clouds to make a beautiful day!

have a nice weekend! hope you can drop by mine as well!

 gmirage said...

A late visit (but still on a Friday) from ViennaDaily.

A great set carver! I especially like the one with the road! the road made it special to me! Happy weekend!

esnorway said...

nice shoots have good weekend

Carver said...

Thanks so much to everyone for visiting my skywatch post.

Cath said...

Great shots but my favourite is the bottom right with the reflection on the water.

vincibene said...

Beautiful series!

Torsdag 1952 said...

Beautiful collection from LAKE+SKY.
Have a nice week.

maryt/theteach said...

Wow! Carver, such magnificent photos! They are striking! :)

SandyCarlson said...

These are very lovely, to say the least. Thanks, Carver.

Michele said...

Carver...what an interesting way to see the lake. It's beautiful and I am happy that I am able to see this.

I wanted to stop by and thank you for dropping into my blog during my accident and leaving comments. I really cannot tell you how much it means to me. It was very thoughtful.

Rambling Woods said... that is really cool!!


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