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Monday, January 18, 2010

My World Tuesday: Tobacconist Figures

When I went to the Folk Art Museum in Colonial Williamsburg, I was interested in the Tabacconist Figures. After reading the first comment on my blog, I thought I'd give everyone a link to more information about this style of advertising. The following link is from another folk art museum but contains a lot of relevant history. Shop and Cigar Figures in America


This three dimensional advertising technique was popular in the late 19th century.


As someone who was hooked on cigarettes and finally quit with some difficulty almost 10 years ago, I am not thrilled with tobacco advertising. However, since they came from another era, I found these interesting.

Please visit the home of That's My World Tuesday for other participants.


Tes said...

Oh wow, interesting sculptures, Carver. Are those made of hardwood? How tall are they? Very detailed, so pretty.

Randi said...

Very interesting post, Carver. These figures are absolutely lovely and very well done.
I agree with you regarding tobacco advertising and
this type of advertising is not permitted here in Sweden.

Mojo said...

I never realized that other figures besides Indians were used this way. I guess I always just associated the cigar store with life-sized wooden Indians, so I though there was a connection there. (Maybe because it was the Indians who introduced tobacco to the Old World during the Elizabethan era? Could be that I guess.)

Advertising objection or no, the craftsmanship in these is undeniably astonishing!

Rajesh said...

Very lovely sculptures. It is amazing to see the 3 dimensional technique used in even those days.

Mirage said...

A different approach on advertising. I feel the same as you about cigarettes and that...but give credit that they did well on the ad. Enjoy your week!

Sylvia K said...

Those are fascinating, Carver, and your photos are marvelous! Yep, I gave it up about ten years ago, too, and I don't like the advertising either! Great post! Have a lovely week!


Cezar and Léia said...

Oh gosh, this was used for advertising? How creative!
God bless you!

Trish ~ ♥ ~ said...

In Williamsburg? I have not seen them before. Thank you for sharing your part of the world.

foto CHIP said...

I felt like I experienced a show from old times :)

Jane Hards Photography said...

The tobacco advertising interested me. MY partner, the artist can veto his work being used for alcohol and tobacco via his agent. The sculptures are such a pleasant change from the usual chain store products.

Martha Z said...

These are wonderful examples of American Folk art. Like Mojo, I didn't realize there was such variety.
I wish that our current culture had more interest in craftmanship and less on accumulating mass produced throw away items. Less stuff, built to last, well cared for would mean less use of resources and less use of landfills.

Anonymous said...

Wel, I had heard of Cigar-store Indians but I had no idea their were other styles of tobacconist salespeople.

eileeninmd said...

They are interesting sculptures. Great photos.

Samson said...

Interesting post carver...

Like your monochrome and sky watch entry too

St Philomena's Church

Indrani said...

I find them interesting too. Great pieces of sculpture.

Carolyn Ford said...

These are quite amazing figures. Their artistic value is definitely worth preserving. I, too, have heard of the Indians but not those you picture here. Very informative post!

Wolynski said...

Love the little figurines -would've never guessed they're for selling tobacco.

SandyCarlson said...

They are neat, Carver. They are making me think of the figureheads at Mystic. Now I am wondering if there is a relationship between the genres.

Your photos seem to convey the spirit of another time, too!

Gena @ Thinking Aloud said...

Very interesting post ... I always love a bit of historical stuff coupled with creativity ... excellent!
have a great day!
Gena @ Thinking Aloud
a photoblog

The Good Life in Virginia said...

a very interesting post...and of course the figures were/are of great interest to many and of great historic significance as well. thanks for link for more info.
have a lovely week.

Louise said...

Too bad it's not advertising something else, but I love the 3-D aspect. A completely different world than we currently live in.

Thanks for your kind comment on my blog. It was a tough decision, but sometimes real life must win a battle!

Anonymous said...

Very interesting. Fine pieces of art.

Amanda Moore said...

They are very interesting, I love anything with a history! Great subject this week Carver!


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