
Blog Archive

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

ABC Wednesday: J is for japonica

I am going to start with some spring shots of Pieris japonica.
I like the papery look of these flowers which show up in March where I live in NC.
The rest of the shots were taken this Monday and the light part where the flowers were in spring will turn a bronze color soon.
The rest of the shots are of another type of bush in front of my house and this one is Cleyera japonica.
I have three of these bushes and so far just a single cluster of leaves have their fall colors.
Quite a few of the berries are bursting forth.


Ann said...

They look so delicate, love the pretty blooms.

Luna Miranda said...

lovely blooms! i'd love to see this plant when the leaves turn reddish.

ABC Wed: J is for...

Sallie ( said...

What lovely bushes -- pretty in both seasons! Perfect.

Wanda said...

Amazing how those berries burst forth...just beautiful.

Roger Owen Green said...

these are JUST beautiful, and love seeing the Latin names
ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Anonymous said...

oh now i have I'D the plant/bloom i saw. it's japonica. it's pink though. do you know if this comes in pink variety?

Meryl said...

Those are awesome photos and beautiful blooms!

carol l mckenna said...

Wonderful shots ~ perfect for ABC ~ delicate flowers and colorful flowers ~ great place to live ~ (A Creative Harbor)

Hazel said...

Papery look - I like it too. And berries bursting forth is quite a lovely image to imagine, and you captured it well.

photowannabe said...

The inside of the last flower is truly fascinating.
I also like the papery flowers.
I always enjoy your journal submissions.

ChrisJ said...

Japonica is a word I picked up quite a few years and I kept using it wrongly to identify a certain plant. Now I've got it right -- if it stays in my head. Thanks, Carver.

Paula Scott Molokai Girl Studio said...

What a lovely array of japonicas!

Cezar and Léia said...

Japonicas are gorgeous,delicate flowers!

Tito Eric said...

Marvelous blooms they are!

Cheers ... visiting from ABC Wednesday!

Here's mine:

Ramakrishnan said...

Marvelous pics !

Indrani said...

Good ones.
All of them done so well.

ZielonaMila said...

Such views are enrapturing, the garden always gives much joy. I am greeting

Gillian Olson said...

Pretty flowers, they look very fragile and the last one with the seeds is very interesting. Good J pictures.

Chubskulit Rose said...

Very pretty!

Juice in Jars
Your comment always bring joy to me, so leave me one when you can.

Rose, ABC Wednesday Team

Whispering Thoughts said...

Such amazing shots. your blog just keeps getting better with every picture.

Hildred said...

A beautiful flower - lovely photos, too.

Sharp Little Pencil said...

Carver, I loved every shot. We have some late-blooming, delicate little guys in our back yard here in Madison, and they delight me no end. Thanks for educating me on a new plant! Amy

Mildred said...

Very nice shots of the beautiful leaves and blooms! Love the pieris japonica!
Thanks for sharing;o)

Have a nice day****

EG CameraGirl said...

Wow! Beautiful plant!


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