
Blog Archive

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Today Flowers: Could not believe my eyes

Last week all my bulbs were completely covered in snow and I was surprised to see how good the green part looked after the snow and ice melted.


The big surprise was when I looked in my back yard on a very warm spring like Thursday and saw that I had some blooms. I hadn't even seen any buds when I checked on them after the snow melted. I looked ahead at the forecast and it's supposed to turn cold again, especially at night during the late part of next week. I even saw that it is forecast to snow on March 1 (like they really know that far ahead) but if it does, I doubt it will last because the day temperatures are forecast to go above freezing.


DeniseinVA said...

How lovely that you have flowers blooming already. We're supposed to have snow this coming Wednesday.

Thanks for sharing these beauties today, and have a great week :)

Meta said...

Härliga vårblommor du visar
ha en fin helg

kissed by an angel said...

Beautiful photos!!! Especially the picture of the crocuses :)

Sara Chapman in Seattle USA said...

Oh, look how pretty! I have a couple of buds, but that's all, yet. Good luck with the coldfront. Isn't spring exciting?

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Oh my gosh, thank you for the day-brightener. I love these and am so glad they survived. (So glad to see them I'm not even envious yet!)

lina@women perspective said...

What a beautiful surprise!
They are so lovely.

SquirrelQueen said...

Oh wow, what a wonderful surprise after the snow melted. I posted some crocus today but they are from my archive. We have more snow coming in tonight.

Indrani said...

Beautiful start to spring!

Cezar and Léia said...

Dear Carver,
Today you show us two magnificent pictures, I'm delighted by so intense color of these flowers! Spring is coming!
Happy Sunday,


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