
Blog Archive

Friday, March 7, 2014

The weekend in Black and White: March Icicles

I know I must have looked crazy in the parking lot when I went to Durham for a meeting. I was photographing the icicles hanging from all the cars but from a distance I must have looked strange crouched down in front of all the cars. 



HansHB said...

Great B&W photo, impressing icicles!

Dragonstar said...

Oh, this is beautiful! I love the design you found.

Rajesh said...

Wonderfully framed. said...

Yes, i like that!
We are son in the spring.

Englepappa/ Ole JN said...

Nice entry, and a great photo of icicles1

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

You got some good photos and so what if you left people scratching their heads. (That happens to me all the time. One neighbor thinks I'm nuts because I take pictures of the sky ;>)

Monica S Engell said...

Hehe,- I have the same thought sometimes.. when I am out with my camera, standing in strange positions...
Nice captured, Carver!
:) said...

All the crouching was well worth it….great image!

Prairie Jill said...

Ah, the things we do for our art! Well worth the effort, though - great b&w image.

lina@home sweet home said...

I can imagine how you captured this icicles.

paul said...

Great result from your effort!

Annette P.-L. said...

Absolutely gorgeous photo!! Wonderful job!

Laura said...

We do what we must when we see an interesting photo op! Wonderful icicles in black and white Carver.

Wayne said...

it's a great shot! They appear in the strangest places :-)

Phil Slade said...

You seem to have a great variety of birds in your garden as well as in your neighbourhood. I'm pleased to see the weather is warming up for you. It is here too at last.

Taken For Granted said...

May all your icicles melt soon, but they provided a great subject for your photograph.

Jarek said...

Interesting photo :-)


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