
Blog Archive

Sunday, January 10, 2016

First week in January

This post begins with shots I took on a Sunday walk, January 3, 2016.


I was surprised to see a Great Blue heron on the piling at Shelley Lake since the piling is usually reserved for cormorants alone.


The herons are usually at other parts of the lake and the cormorants usually have the old piling to themselves.


Above the gulls that always arrive in the winter are sharing the sandbar with a gaggle of cormorants.


Until last year I usually only saw a handful of cormorants, always on the piling.


Last year a large cormorant convention arrived in the fall and apparently has done the same this year.


Now that Bill has retired and bought a farm house in the country we don't walk at Shelley Lake as much on the weekends.


The Fall's Lake parks and trails are in between where I live (same house we bought together when we were married) and the country place where he lives now.


It has been fun meeting at different preserves and places that are part of the Fall's Lake land on weekends for a change. My last post included some shots I took on the way to Bill's house for Christmas which showed the barns and country roads. Until he retired he was living in a townhouse near me which was convenient but I'm glad he has a place for a garden now and it's less than an hour from where I live. The places we usually meet to walk now are only 20 minutes from my house which works well for both of us.


I was glad Bill suggested walking at Shelley Lake (in my neighborhood) on the first Sunday in January.


Most years we walk at Shelley Lake on New Year's day but this year it was too wet to walk on New Year's day. 


The bird shots are ones I took on January 6, 2016 when I had car trouble and worked from home.


Although I don't work from home all the time like I did for well over 10 years I'm still set up for it.


It's nice that when I have car trouble or if we have bad weather I can always work from home if necessary. 


Ela said...

Beautiful birds and your shots are fantastic !!
Have a wonderful New Year !!

Penelope Notes said...

What a beautiful post to start the New Year … all species living together in harmony and with old and new haunts to explore. And with unpredictable weather, it IS a plus to be able to work from home now and then. :)

DeniseinVA said...

These are great Carver. Lovely birds and neat photos.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

I wouldn't want to wish car trouble on you but ..... scrumptious bird photos from your at-home day.

It's neat you two can meet in the middle for your walks and your delayed New Year's celebration was a great one, thanks for sharing. I especially loved the natural black and white one of the cormorants and gulls sharing space.

Happy New Year!!!

Rambling Woods said...

I missed your blog posts..

Photo Cache said...

Happy 2016 Carver. I missed your regular blog posts.

YTSL said...

We get cormorants and herons in Hong Kong as well! Guess they're birds that can withstand cold as well as heat!

Pearl said...

what wonderful shots. I have neither lens or patience for photographing birds. but glad you do.

Barbara said...

Wonderful photos of the birds and the walk around the lake. You are lucky you can work from home when the weather is bad.

lissa said...

I like all the bird shots, I hardly see such pretty birds here, so thanks for sharing these.

have a lovely day.


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