
Blog Archive

Friday, November 18, 2016

November 6 through November 18, 2016

Avory was home last weekend so I didn't do a weekend post.


I have a lot of shots so I thought I'd go ahead and post a hodgepodge.


The first shots are from a Sunday walk Bill and I took on November the 6th.


I think my last post had shots from my Saturday November 5th walk so I thought I'd start with the next day here.


It's been one of the longest spans of autumn color I remember.


There are still some flowers although we have had a hard freeze.


The shot below begins the part of this post of shots I took when Bill, Avory and I walked at the NC Art Museum park on Sunday, November 13.


It was a beautiful day.


I love this time of the year.


Below is a shot I took of Avory and Bill. The trick was I was walking backwards to shoot them and managed not to fall.


I can't believe that my state has still not been able to finish the Governor's race.


I can tolerate the wait as long as Roy Cooper keeps getting further and further ahead.


The Presidential election has broken my heart so I'm counting on NC getting a new Governor. Last I heard Roy Cooper is over 7,000 votes ahead (YES) but Pat McCrory can ask for a recount if the lead is under 10,000. 


Enough of that, I'll try to focus on the autumnal shots for the rest of this post.


The shot above and the rest were taken today (Friday - 11.18.16).


I haven't been on a lunchtime walk in a while.


Most of today's shots were taken in downtown Durham, NC.


It was a perfect day.


I'm surprised how many flowers are still blooming.


It's going to be beautiful tomorrow and Sunday although it will turn much colder Saturday night.


That's one of the reasons I took flower shots since I doubt many will last next week.


The shot below is one I took driving home when I was stopped at a red light.


Below is another stop light shot.


I guess I'll stop here.


Lady Fi said...

What amazing and beautiful shots!

The election has broken many hearts here in Europe too.

Penelope Notes said...

I like the surroundings so full of live. And the shot of Avory and Bill is wonderful … beautiful name, Avory! My heart got broken too in Canada. I have come to realize that some votes can actually feel like hate crimes and that’s why so many people feel so sad. Keeping my fingers crossed for Roy Cooper.

Photo Cache said...

The colors are so beautiful. Such a nice treat to have your daughter home to join you on your walk.

Happy Thanksgiving.

YTSL said...

Love the colors of the grass as well as leaves and sky in your photos! :)

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Loved seeing your daughter and her dad (on your birthday weekend(?). (And glad you didn't fall getting that picture (one I would never try) as I seem to have trouble walking forward.) And I really like your daughters name ... Avory! It's beautiful in NC this time of year and that is something to be happy about and grateful for. I'm trying to set my mind on good things today especially of course.

Sending good thoughts for your Governor election... just typical that someone like that guy wants to spend your tax dollars on a recount.

Maybe that brave little flower still blooming after the frost in your post should be a symbol ... keep on keeping on even when things get difficult. And hope that spring will come again.


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