
Blog Archive

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Saturday Detour

I left my house this morning to go to the grocery store.


It was such a beautiful day that I ended up going on a detour to walk around my neighborhood lake.


It's been a while since I've gone on a Saturday walk.


Bill and I usually walk on Sunday at one of the state or county parks outside the city limits or bordering it.


As nice as the weekend is we probably will do that tomorrow.


I've gotten in the habit of running errands and doing laundry on Saturday.


I'm glad I fit in a walk because it was much to pretty of a day to waste.


We're still in the early part of fall color but each weekend there is more and more.


I feel like I've been saying that for a month.


It does seem like some of the trees are slower to change leaf colors than usual. 


I had planned on doing a post last weekend with shots I took on a country drive.


I never got to it and I like the shots I took today better.


I was surprised to see the road out of my subdivision totally lined with cars today.


Then I realized they were for people voting early at the community center.


I voted last week and it was my first time not voting on election day.


I didn't want to run the risk of being in a car accident and not being able to vote at all if I didn't vote early.


Considering the traffic some days it's a consideration.


Photo Cache said...

The fall colors are glorious. I have assigned Saturday as my chores/errands day too. Have a good week.

Penelope Notes said...

You are surrounded by loveliness in your neighborhood. Glad you voted early. It’s been an endless roller coaster ride of an election stressing out even us folks who don’t live in the US.

Penelope Notes said...

PS For some reason I was getting Error 400 when trying to leave a comment. Turns out this happens only if I press the preview button first. Otherwise it works. Maybe it's on my end or maybe blogger is having a glitch.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Beautiful walk! you still have great Autumn color. So glad you took that detour. This time of year especially, it is good to treasure every beautiful day ... when I was still working here in Oregon, it would always rain on the weekend and be sunny on Monday. (That can't really be true, but I remember it seemed like it.... now, while we're here, I go outside and play at least part of every day that it isn't raining.

Linda said...

An absolutely gorgeous burst of colours and beauty! Thank you so much for sharing, I love long walks in nature. :)

Lady Fi said...

Gorgeous shots and colours.

Barbara said...

It was well worth the detour, what beautiful colours, I love the leaves against the bright blue sky.


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