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Monday, March 9, 2009

That's My World Tuesday: UNC hospital

It's been interesting watching the new cancer hospital at UNC being built. The first shot was one I took when I went for a melanoma follow up in September of 2007 when they were in the early stages of building. The right hand side of the shot is of early construction on the new cancer hospital.

I was there last week for my four year full body scan which was done in the nuclear science hospital and I just got the word that my scan didn't show any areas of concern, woohooo. As you can see from the shot below which I took last Thursday, the cancer hospital is pretty close to completion. Probably when I go for my September follow up appointment I will have it in the new hospital.

The shot below was taken in the hospital garden on September of 2008 when I went for a regular follow up and arrived early. I've noticed that the new cancer hospital has a garden beside where I will go for oncology appointments. If it's finished when I go to my next appointment, I'll have to photograph that garden.

The last shot shows the current part of the hospital complex which weren't in my other shots. The tan building is the original hospital and it's adjoined by the newer children's hospital, women's hospital and nuclear science hospital. The Cancer hospital joins the nuclear science forming the leg of the L shape. The brick building in the front is where the oncology appointments are now but the needs of the cancer center have outgrown that building. One thing that doesn't show up is there is a breezeway in front of all of the hospitals connecting them and containing plants and places to sit down. It's pleasant having so much green inside the hospital.

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SandyCarlson said...

That's an amazing complex. I hope it brings a lot of good to a lot of folks.

Louise said...

That garden is a wonderful place. It much be peaceful.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad they found nothing to be concerned about.

I think every hospital needs a garden.

Sylvia K said...

That is an amazing place! I love the garden! How lovely and I think it's great to have a place like that at a hospital which generally sees a lot of stress. So nice to have a peaceful place to slip away to! Thanks for sharing, Carver, beautiful shots as always!

Sylvia K said...

Oh, and I'm soooo glad you have nothing to worry about! That's the best of all!

Janie said...

A hospital is somewhere no one wants to go, but when we need one, it's excellent to have a good one. So glad your recent reports were all good.

The Good Life in Virginia said...

unc medical center is quite large...i have never been to the campus but, have heard a lot about it.

thanks for sharing with us and we are happy to hear that your test(s) came back with good news :)

until later.


imac said...

Looks a super place,

Gaelyn said...

I really like the idea of green space. It is a huge complex.

Guy D said...

Fantastic shots of a great place.

Have a great week!
Regina In Pictures

Jeannelle said...

Great, eye-catching scenes. What a blessing that your scan was clear! Happy Travels!

Anonymous said...

This is a big building, hope to see it one day and see their facilities, it must be so modern i bet.
Congratulations for that good results.

Anonymous said...

That garden is a perfect place to get away from the hustle and bustle of the hospital complex, I'm sure. Glad your report was good.

Jane Hards Photography said...

It is huge. Good to see this construction wnet ahead even under todays economic climate.

Indrani said...

These are soothing sights around a hospital, good to de-stress after visiting the hospital.

Lilli & Nevada said...

That is a very impressive hospital, i also love the sitting area with the butterfly and nice bench

Anonymous said...

Hey...the photos are nice, but it's FANTASTIC that you are in the clear. Whew...I have been thinking about your since you tests..good news...

Unknown said...

First of all congrats on the clean bill of health. It looks like a wonderful complex and will be a valuable addition I have no doubt.

antigoni said...

I wish we had a hospital like this in Greece. We have great private hospitals but they are only for a few people who have a lot of money.
Excellent post!

Sujatha Bagal said...

Congratulations on the test results, Carver!

I loved the picture of the garden, too.

Mojo said...

Between UNC Hospitals, Duke Medical Center and Rex Healthcare all of the Triangle is going to be one big medical complex before long I think!

Maybe that's why all the pharmaceutical companies are so fond of the area, huh?

Reader Wil said...

Congratulations that you are ok! The hospital is very modern and probably very much like a small town, like our larger hospitals, with shops,a restaurant and a computer room.Thanks for sharing!

MaR said...

Those are great shots and great news, Carver.

Latane Barton said...

Great progress on the hospital. Glad you got a great report on the scan.


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