
Blog Archive

Monday, September 20, 2010

That's My World Tuesday: Recent Walks

For this post, I am going to include shots from recent walks on the Shelley Lake trail (Raleigh, NC) and the trails along the creeks that feed into the lake (Bent Creek and Sawmill trails).
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My world has been heating up to unseasonably hot later in the day but the mornings have been pleasant.
myworld treechgstsp
There is still a lot of green but some signs of changes in the trees. I am beginning to be ready for full blown fall, mostly because I'm so sick of the heat.
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I am still able to enjoy the beauty that surrounds me and can look forward to more and more changes.
my world lakviethtr
I thought it was interesting how many leaves were in the creek at certain parts. I think that may be partly because we haven't had much rain lately so what is falling there is stagnant.
myworld crklvsin
I enjoy the obstacle courses on the natural dirt paths because sometimes I feel like I am getting so decrepit that it's nice to know I can maneuver when I need too.
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The Canada goose below almost looked like it was skiing across the lake.
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The duck was sauntering along at a leisurely pace.
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Hard to believe in a few more months all these leaves will have changed colors and fallen on the ground.
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I love to see rocks form as a natural wall against creeks.
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The roots of trees like the one below are amazing with their tenacious grasp, refusing to let go even when their tree is dead.
myworld rootuptrhld
I guess I'll stop back at the lake with a corner reflection that caught my eye.
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Click for the home of That's My World Tuesday.


Daryl said...

What a wonderful series of images .. I like your world a lot

Anonymous said...

your walking spot is so good for all the senses. it's amazing how green the trees still are. ours are showing signs of changes.

enjoy your cooler temps, i hope they are cooler.

Carol said...

Oh, I enjoyed that walk! Your first shot is glorious. Nice capture of the goose skidding across the water. We are still mostly green also, but with some splashes of color here and there.

Kay L. Davies said...

The lake is lovely, and I admire your ability to maneuver around obstacles when necessary. I'm afraid I might just say, "Oh, no, I can't go there!" then turn around and go home, feeling old and, as you said, decrepit.
Nice to be able to accompany you from afar.

Alberta, Canada

Sylvia K said...

Thanks for taking us on such a lovely walk! What a beautiful place! I agree with Carol, the first shot is indeed glorious! Still so much green! I love the goose landing on the water! Your photos are superb as always! Hope you have a wonderful week, Carver!


Penelope Notes said...

The water skiing goose makes for a fantastic picture! These are lovely shots. I think the early leaves on the water are a result of a dry summer. This is also happening in the SW of BC.:)

maryt/theteach said...

What a beautiful and uplifting walk, Carver! :)

Rajesh said...

Beautiful shots of the place. The lake area is very scenic.

Ebie said...

A nice place to walk, lots of green, and I bet when the color changes, it would be pretty too. Love the shot of the foot bridge.

Samson said...

beautiful set of photo's

EG CameraGirl said...

I think your world is very lovely, Carver! I don't envy your heat now...but I'll be very jealous by the time February/March rolls around. :)

Maurice Lauher said...

Looks like a great place for a walk - it's been warm down here in Sun City Carolina Lakes too.

Indrani said...

Great shots you take during your walk.
I enjoyed seeing them.

Arija said...

A wonderful walk. I am happy you can manage the distance, I could not. Walking is so important for not only a healthy body but also a healthy mind. I would love to walk these beautiful woodland trails with you, seeing all the large and small wonders they provide.

With all the preceding heat, the last thing you now need is an Indian summer.

SandyCarlson said...

Gorgeous views on your walk, my friend. A beautiful world.

genie said...

Your collection of photographs were a great way for me to end my day. The duck and Canadian goose were so picturesque....and the water was out of this world. Beautiful shots.

Genie @ "Climbing the Digital Mountain One Step at a Time” and" Buttons for Baga"

Coffeeveggie addict. said...

Great p0st,i enj0yed it alot

Cezar and Léia said...

This lake is awesome, so beautiful and blessing landscape!
Great set of pictures, thanks so much for sharing this lovely day with us!

BraCom said...

beautiful place and photos

Have a nice week,
Greetings, Bram

My Word Tuesday post

Seen on My World Tuesday

Trish ~ ♥ ~ said...

great place of hike

Marites said...

felt like i was walking with you:) the place is really beautiful. I just love the skiing goose! Great capture! have a good week!

Mojo said...

Wow. It's still weird to see places I know (pretty well) on someone else's blog.

Hildred said...

Lovely enjoyable photos, and thank you for the Blue Jay information. Beautiful birds....

Nicole said...

Oh, so beautiful!
My Fav shot is the skiing Goose :D

Regina said...

Wow such a breathtaking world.



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