I'm on a roll with my morning walks having gone from none to six days in a row.
I'm surprised that I haven't been rained on yet as about half of the mornings I've walked it has looked like rain, and a few days I just missed a little sprinkle.
One morning I even left my camera at home because I thought it unlikely that I'd be able to use it.
I wouldn't mind walking in a summer rain if my camera didn't get wet. As much as we need rain, I'm happy with any we get.
I take a small backpack when I have my camera on iffy walks, in terms of the weather.
Even with the option of putting my camera away, I leave it at home when I think the probability of rain is very high.
In some ways it's good not to always have my camera because I get more exercise when I'm not stopping frequently for photographs.
On the other hand, I can walk farther if I am taking a photo walk with frequent stops and starts.
Click for the home of SkyWatch Friday.

If you don't find it too exhausting, you can find XXX by looking in one direction through the bridge. By turning to examine the other side of the bridge, you will see that XXX is also there.
I find it interesting that although X is rarely the first letter in English language words, it is exceedingly common as the first sound in English language words. You don't have to exert much effort to excel in finding examples of that in this post.
Click for the home of ABC Wednesday.

I haven't managed to walk much this summer because of the heat and my difficulty in getting up and out early enough to beat the heat.
Finally I got motivated to try and get in some morning walks before I decay any further.
This post covers two recent walks at the same place but I started at different points.
For the first walk I started at Sertoma Park (first shot) and took a path down to Shelley Lake from there.
It was overcast and there was a chance of rain but I lucked out.
I do find that it starts the day off so much better when I get out early for a walk.
The shots in the rest of this post were on another morning walk but this time I started on a trail leading to the opposite side of the lake from the shots above.
There were mostly blue skies for this walk and no chance of rain.
We haven't had enough rain in June but have had a lot of gray days.
It was a shame that it rained so much during May when it was cool but once it got hot we've only had brief showers which do help the flowers but that's about it. At first I thought we were getting enough rain this summer until I realized that it was mostly brief spurts of rain and lots of gray skies.
For much of the walk I had the lake to myself but then came the runners.
I can't complain though because I had a fair amount of solitude.
I prefer the lone runners to the packs of them.
Some of the trees are dropping their leaves in the water due to the heat.
Then heading back towards home it's mostly solitude again.
Except for a few ferocious beasts.
All in all a pleasant couple of walks. Hopefully this has gotten me started to getting out more in the morning and walking regularly like I used to do.
Click for That's My World Tuesday.

This Wednesday morning I was stunned by the variety of clouds I saw with a simple walk around my house.
The shot above was taken after I stepped out my driveway door and pointed my camera at the sky over my house (northwest). The next shot was taken in the street in front of my house facing to the end of the road I live on (southwest).
The shot below was taken while I stood on my deck and faced away from my house (northeast).
I was standing in my back yard just off the deck facing over my chimney for the next one. The way I angled the camera it was sort of in between most of my reference points so I can't call the direction.
I was in my yard for the one below and I'm pretty sure I was facing away from my house slightly northeast.
The next one was taken from my deck facing over the roof of my house, and is another where it's hard for me to call the direction.
The last one was taken back in my driveway facing over my house towards the west.
Click for the home of SkyWatch Friday.

The folk art museum in Colonial Williamsburg, VA has wonderfully whimsical weathervanes.
Some of the weathervanes include wire that will whirl with the wind.
I wouldn't mind the weathervane with the horse and cart that includes wheels.
I wouldn't be surprised to see the fish weathervanes at a coastal house. The workmanship is amazing to me and I think some may be made of wrought iron.
Well, I think that's all the W's I can work into this post. Click for the home of ABC Wednesday.

We are still in a terrible heat wave in the North Carolina Piedmont where I live so I'm looking back to May for a visual cool down.
The shot above was taken near the North Carolina and Virginia border. The Blue Ridge mountains are living up to their name. The shot below was taken in the West Virginia mountains and the house had a whimsical feel about it that appeals to me.

The next two shots were taken at Babcock State Park in the West Virginia mountains.

I took so many picture on that short vacation that I could keep going back to my archives for ages and still not post a fraction of the photographs I took.

Click for the home of That's My World Tuesday.
Photographs on this site are by Carver © 2006 - 2019