Theoretically I thought that I could show ocean tides going in and out through shots I've taken during vacations at Atlantic Beach, NC through the years.
Typical of me though, nothing is as easy as I think it will be.
I'm pretty sure the first shot was taken when the tide was going out and the second when the tide was coming in.
Perspective can be a factor though, for example with the third shot I was shooting from the porch at the cottage and included the dunes. I have no idea if that was taken at high or low tide although my guess would be high tide.
In a way though, given the fact that there is time in between high and low tide, these shots could be in the middle of high and low or a third of the way through . . .
There are tide tables for this beach but checking online I only saw future estimates for tides not ones showing the tides times in the past.
Thankfully though, I think I managed quite a few T words in this post in spite of non specific tidal information. Click for the home of ABC Wednesday.

I am always amazed at how the Canada Geese move into this residential area and take over the lawns.
This isn't my neighborhood. I think the geese have so much land and water at the lake near my house that they don't need to forage in the neighborhoods close to me.
I'm not sure why they end up on lawns in this particular residential area.
It may be because there is a small lake near this neighborhood but not any land to speak of surrounding it.
The geese may have to forage on the lawns to find enough to eat.
I notice the geese at the lake near me, are often on the fields in the winter as opposed to hanging out in the water.
They don't have to start walking out into my neighborhood because they have so much space in the labyrinth of parks and trails near me.
However, in the residential area where I shot these geese, they don't have the space to move around without heading out on the streets to find lawns to explore.
Click for the home of Our World Tuesday.

The first two shots don't show very much sky because my oak trees were still holding on to their leaves.
These leafy shots were taken seven days ago and things have certainly changed since then.
The next shot was taken this Wednesday of one of my oak trees and almost all the leaves have dropped giving a better view of the sky.
I watched the jets draw on the sky a few days ago.
Next a sunset I watched out of my bedroom window.
Wednesday I walk with a friend at Shelley Lake and the sky was wonderful. Her dog wanted to stop periodically which gave me a chance to take photos.
I love this time of year when each day walking at the same place gives a slightly different view because of seasonal changes.
The first reflection I caught was in the creek that feeds into the lake.
I couldn't get over how perfect the sky was.
I do so love the clouds and reflections.
For those of you who celebrate Thanksgiving, I hope that it is/was a happy one. Click for the home of SkyWatch Friday.

Shooting my sundials for an S word I also captured my squeaky swing as well as shadows.
This sundial is situated correctly and keeps splendid time.
This sundial is two hours fast and needs to be settled into a better position.
My sundials used to sit on top of my deck wall until I started growing vines over it. You can see the shadows of the vines that haven't lost all of their leaves yet for winter.

We had a hard rain a few days ago and that night the temperature dropped below freezing. I think the way the rain on top of the leaves froze ended up looking like plastic wrap.
It's a good thing I like leaves because my three large oak trees are dropping blankets of leaves.
One day a female cardinal turned her beak up at me while I was photographing from a distance.
The next day a male cardinal seemed to have a similar reaction to being photographed.
The neighborhood cats seems to all gravitate to my overgrown garden.
The transition from fall to winter is starting to be very obvious.
The bare trees are beginning to out number the ones that still haven't released their leaves.
One good thing about winter is there is more light at the end of the tunnel when there isn't dense shade from the leaves on the tree.
Click for the home of Our World Tuesday.

There was so much variety in the sky on a single walk I went on this week that I decided to select shots from that one day.
I was prompted to walk because there were some interesting clouds and I thought I might get some good reflections in the lake.
As it turned out the only reflections I got were in the creek on the way to the lake, and I had so many shots for this post I'm skipping them.
Even without reflections of clouds in the lake, the interest for me came in how different the sky looked as my walk progressed.
I like the way at certain points it looked like streamers were tossed across the sky.
At other places the white highlights blended together.
Then the texture starts to have the appearance of a cotton comforter.
I like the naked trees that have dropped their clothes.
Then another soft cotton comforter is crossing the sky.
Click for the home of SkyWatch Friday.
Photographs on this site are by Carver © 2006 - 2019