Sometimes I feel like asking the male cardinals if it's something I said. Yes I know, they don't speak human and I don't speak bird but they do seem to look askance at me.
The male house finch below looked looked like a punk rocker after his bath.
The squirrel had all his concentration on supper.
Click for the home of Our World Tuesday.
We've had some large clouds lately.
I enjoy cloud formations with shades of white and gray that look like you could jump on them.
Instead of a privet hedge, I've let some of my privet grow as tall as trees and this time of the year I'm rewarded with their white flowers.
Over here, over there, over mountains, over sea, over roads, over rivers, overpasses for the masses . . .
Above is the Newark, New Jersey Airtrain going over the road at the airport. Next is a bridge going over the Blue Ridge Parkway in the North Carolina mountains.
Below is shot taken while going over the sound side of a North Carolina beach not very far from the outer banks.
Next is a shot on an overpass in the triangle area of North Carolina.
Below is a bridge going over a river in the West Virginia mountains.
Before I am over and out, I'm posting another West Virginia mountain shot of a bridge going over fast moving water.
Click for the home of ABC Wednesday.

Sunday was a rainy day and I found myself photographing mud and moss. My feet also got into the shot.
On another day my feet, in another pair of funny shoes, got into a shot of the butterfly weed.
I'm glad we're having a wet spring because it makes the plants happy.
The shot below of my oak tree bark was odd to me because it had been pouring rain. The rain had slowed to a drizzle when I went out but it seemed strange that one section of the tree was dry while the rest was wet.
My neighbor has reassured me that their cats don't catch birds but these shots show they do try.
Black Jack not only perched in my dogwood tree he started climbing when he heard the birds.
I keep my backyard gate shut and so far the cats haven't tried to climb the fence, so the birds can bathe on my deck in peace.
My city has a law against cats being allowed to leave their owners houses and yards but that law is ignored by some. I have mixed feelings about it but I'm pretty tolerant since I think the birds are generally able to get away from the cats. I keep my backyard protected at this point (at least until the cats start climbing my fence).
I like the way flowers look on the ground after they drop.
Click for the home of Our World Tuesday. I'm posting early because I've had trouble lately with setting posts to auto publish later. Not sure why they aren't publishing when I set them up to post later anymore. For the time being, I'm going to go ahead and post after writing them, even if they are early for the meme.

I took this shot of the rear entrance to the Mast General Store in Valle Crusis, NC a few years ago. The front is painted white but I like the unpainted rear. This is the original store which has been in operation since 1883. Now there are additional Mast General stores including one in Boone, NC; Asheville, NC and several other towns. There are 9 in all and each one is in a building dating from 1883 to 1945.

Click for the home of the Weekend in Black and White.

Now that the trees are leafing out, I don't get as much of a sunset view as I do in winter. In spite of the obstructions, I thought this one worked pretty well.

Click for the home of SkyWatch Friday.

The Neuse River in North Carolina is approximately 275 miles long (according to wikipedia).
It begins northwest of Durham, NC and empties into the Pamlico Sound below New Bern, NC (NC River Keepers and Water Alliance information).
NC River Keepers and Water Alliance site says that the Neuse River is nearly 2 million years old and its Indian name means peace.
The shots I'm using are of the Falls of the Neuse Reservoir (a man made reservoir in the upper portion of the Neuse River Basin) which supplies my city (Raleigh) with our drinking water. According to the City of Raleigh site on November 2010 the city of Raleigh was awarded a temporary permit to conduct studies and prepare a license application for a hydroelectric project it referred to as the Falls Lake Dam Hydroelectric Project. It's possible that one day my electricity will be thanks to the upper Neuse River Basin.

By the way, growing up I used to spend vacations with my family at Oriental, NC which is on the Neuse River near New Bern. Originally a fishing village Oriental, NC has become a sailing village and vacation spot too. My parents had a vacation house at Oriental and I used to take my daughter there too when she was very young, although that house was sold after my mother died in 1990 since my Dad wasn't going there much any more. All of the shots I have from the Neuse River at that end are pre-digital since we have tended to go to Atlantic Beach on the NC coast (which is also close to New Bern but on the Atlantic Ocean) after I had a digital cameras. It was easier to use these Falls of the Neuse Reservoir shots since I live near there and had a bunch of shots in my digital photo archives on my computer. Since the reservoir was authorized, in part, to address flood control issues with the Neuse River, it seemed appropriate to use photos of it for this post. Click for the home of ABC Wednesday.

You don't have to speak bird to know when a brown thrasher is cussing you out.
The shots I'm posting of the brown thrashers are from several different days and are not necessarily the same bird.
In addition to rather large beaks they also have wild looking eyes which add to their look of bird with attitude.
I didn't try to pick the clearest shots in all cases but am going for personality shots.
The American Robin below was doing a little yoga after a bath.
Next the robin adopts a meditative stance.
Following is the don't mess with me stance.
On another day the American Robin was in the larger bath doing a little water ballet.
The house finch couple in the next two shots cracked me up.
The male was patiently waiting for the female to finish up her bath. Then again maybe he preferred to let her do all the work and give him a shower.
The sparrow below used up all the water and tripled its size.
The male cardinal below was chowing down on some cold morning food I provided as a treat.
Another male cardinal watched from the shelter of the pecan tree.
The mourning dove turned its back on me and waddled away.
The carolina chickadee was wearing it's tuxedo feathers.
Lastly the rufous-sided towhee was curling up one corner of its mouth and eying me with displeasure.
Click for the home of Our World Tuesday.
Photographs on this site are by Carver © 2006 - 2019