
Blog Archive

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

SkyWatch Friday: First shots with my new camera

I am so excited! I have a new camera, to replace my old one that died, thanks to a very kind and generous gift.

When I picked it up Wednesday morning it was raining and I was afraid I wouldn't get any sky watch shots. The sun came out for about an hour just for me and my camera.
The first shot is the koklwitzia which has dropped its blooms and the second shot is the privet in flower. There is a definite learning curve but I think I'll get the hang of it pretty fast. My old camera could have never got the robin in the mulberry tree below because I was inside and aiming at a tree up the hill on the other side of my deck and it was very dark and drizzly outside. With my old camera unless the birds stayed put when I was in the yard, I was only able to shoot them through the window when they were on the deck.
The next shot is also taken from inside far away from the same robin but I zoomed in even more. I have 35 X optical zoom on my new camera which is a big improvement for me. I can't wait to see what I can do shooting birds in the air or on water with my new camera when there aren't so many leaves and branches around them.
Click for the home of SkyWatch Friday.


Penelope Notes said...

Hooray! Congratulations on getting a new camera, Carver. By the looks of the bird in the tree, it is a very good one. Photographing wildlife in motion will be all the more exciting with your new zoom lens. I look forward to your upcoming captures. :)

Anonymous said...

What wonderful clarity and colour! Enjoy your new camera...

Rajesh said...

Stunning shots from new camera. My favorite is first one.

nonizamboni said...

You are a fast learner! These are wonderful spring shots--especially like the closeup of the Robin.
Happy Skywatch Friday!

Ms. Becky said...

I say YAY on getting a new camera! the robin is a buddy, giving you a gift for this first! and your skies are a beautiful blue. happy SWF.

Liz said...

Congratulations! You made wonderful shots.

Simply Delicious said...

The skies looked perfect. Congrats on your new camera.

My Sky.

Pearl Maple said...

great photos
congrats on the new equipment
it is exciting to find all your new options with this technology that is constantly evovling and improving

Sylvia K said...

Oh, yes! Congratulations, Carver, on the new camera! And what terrific captures! I love the bird in the tree and well as the beautiful skies! Terrific clarity indeed! Enjoy your new toy!! Aren't they just the most fun??? Have a great weekend!


EG CameraGirl said...

I am so glad you have a new camera, Carver!` ow we can be sure that you will continue blogging! Lovely photos, especially of the robin.

Karen said...

Yay...a new camera, and some lovely first shots!

Photo Cache said...

congratulations. i bet you couldn't contain your excitement to try this new toy. it looks like this one's a keeper. the photos it took are stunningly clear.

have a lovely day.

My sky is here

Carver said...

Looks like this one came back after disappearing during the outage but the comments didn't come back. I got the comments in email so hopefully I've visited most of you.

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

Isn't it great to be able to zoom in on critters that would normally bolt and run if you got closer?


The sky’s a most wonderful thing,
Within it some strange creatures sing:
The angels and such;
But dragons? Not much—
They’d rather breathe fire and take wing.

© 2010 by Magical Mystical Teacher


fjällripan said...

Beautiful, I loved the first one! so lovely blue sky! :)

Laura said...

how beautiful! What a lovely gift too!

Kay L. Davies said...

Fabulous new camera, Carver! I'm so happy for you!
I love the photos, especially the first one (I've never seen that name before) and the ones of the robin.
35X zoom is wonderful.
— K

Kay, Alberta, Canada
An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel


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