
Blog Archive

Thursday, August 25, 2011

SkyWatch Friday: Mixing it up again

The sky seems to be changing a lot this week both within a day, and from day to day.

First, a day time moon and an evening sunset.
Next an early morning sun, on another day, that almost looks like the moon.
Same morning with the sun trying to break out.
Finally the sun is up and out and shining through the clouds.
Another day below with the sky reflected in the water.
The next two shots were taken the same day as the shot above.
I have been posting a lot of shots from the lake near my house lately. I guess I should try to vary it more but the trails I walk on and the lake I walk around are a good way for me to take pictures and get exercise.
On to another morning walk at the lake.
The rest of the shots are from the same morning as the one above.
I think the touch of red in the shot below looks like a sign of autumn but it's really dead leaves.
Click for the home of skywatch friday.


Cildemer said...

Wonderful skies! And wonderful reflections! My favourites are the 2nd and 6th shots!
Thanks for sharing;o)

Have a nice and happy day****

Gillian Olson said...

Beautiful skies, I especially like the shot of the moon. The reflection are lovely too. Your daily walk looks perfect to me.

Anonymous said...

so many beautiful shots, carver. i really love the tree stump in the water image with its reflection. t hat is outstanding.

it's almost weekend!

Pearl Maple said...

very pretty skies this week, the moon is a fun capture, looks like you had a fun time collecting your images, have a great weekend

EG CameraGirl said...

Wonderful collection of photos featuring lovely skies, Carver!

Rajesh said...

Wonderful shots. I liked the one with the tree in the middle of water.

Rajesh said...

Wonderful shots. I liked the one with the tree in the middle of water.

Sylvia K said...

Wow! You did have an amazing variety of skies this week, Carver! Love the moon and the reflections! Happy SWF! Hope you have a wonderful weekend! Enjoy!


Liz said...

Beautiful! I love the moon shots especially. Happy sky watching!

Liz @ A Simple Life

FM said...

Your sky photos are so pretty.

Eaglesbrother said...

Great series of shots..I especially like the second one..we call those clouds "Horse Tails" for they resemble horse tails blowing in the wind.

nonizamboni said...

Loved this series and glad to meet another 'lake walker'--beautiful clouds, especially the second photo.
Thanks for sharing!

Chubskulit Rose said...

Such beautiful captures!

<a href=" Skywatch</a>, have a great weekend ahead!

Penelope Notes said...

Wonderful captures, Carver! What would we do without clouds in the sky to give the landscape its meaning. They look awesome reflected in the lake and, depending on where they form around the sky and sun, give each horizon a contrast of hues.

Laura said...

so many beautiful must have had a lovely time photographing each one.

Kay L. Davies said...

If I had a lake walk like that, I'd be photographing it all the time, too.
I love the shot of the sun pretending to be the moon.
— K

Kay, Alberta, Canada
An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

Anonymous said...

I think this is going to be the best Sky Watch Friday yet. The things I have seen are very encouraging and the photography is spot on. I really admire your photography skills and your critical eye for composition, lighting and texture.

Abraham Lincoln
Brookville Daily Photo

Jidhu Jose said...

lovely sky shots
happy SWF

Smalltown RN said...

As always your photos are lovely...I really enjoy the one of the log/stump in the lake....very nice

Judy said...

Lots of variety! And the moon again - a lot of people captured it this week! But I love the second shot - the pink wispy clouds of sunset!!

SandyCarlson said...

I really like the way you changed it up!

Anonymous said...

What gorgeous shots! Love the reflections in that calm water.

Tatjana Parkacheva said...

Very nice photos.


DrillerAA said...

That's quite an interesting photo set. Well done.

Alexander said...

Nice shots of different times of the day. I like the reflections from the water. They are lovely.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Alex's World! -

Jackie said...

Beautiful pictures and lovely reflections. I like the one of the moon, it looks so close.

Ingrid said...

Beautiful pictures ! I never manage to make a nice moon picture, must be my camera,lol !

lissa said...

love these calm shots, makes one feel there is some peace somewhere to enjoy


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