I had to laugh when I saw a Canada Goose running with the boys.
When a cyclist came up behind them the goose flew away.
In the bottom of the next shot you may be able to barely make out a great blue heron flying low over the water.
In the next shot it's a little easier to see him.
I didn't have time to zoom in until he landed.
There was a little blue sky on Sunday but we never got the sunny weekend that was forecast.
Still pleasant having cooler temperatures and most of the rain over the past 4 or 5 days has been late afternoon and night.
I was surprised to see a bunch of new babies at the lake.
There were early babies this year after a mild winter which made it especially surprising to see late ones so close to fall.
I've photographed the fellow below many times as he prowls at Sertoma Art Center up a hill from Shelley Lake.
On one of my walks I followed a creek that feeds into the lake.
I like the side trails off the paved ones.
I always look for reflections in the water.
I had hoped they wouldn't mow the grasses on the dam.
A couple of days after I took the shot above they were mowed as you can see in the shot below.
There are sections here and there where the geese can forage for seeds that aren't moved by the city employees.
I caught a glimpse of one of the great blue heron peering out through the foliage.
In the next shot I could only see its lower body.
The mallards were swimming in a free form line.
The ducks below were following the leader.
With all the rain we've had toadstools abound.
I always love to see mist rising up at a distance.
Below the toadstool looks like a dinner plate to me.
The sun was trying to break through below but was fighting a losing battle.
It amuses me the way the mallards crowded together on the log.
The ducks on the next log were more evenly spaced.
Below is another shot of the sun trying to break out on another day.
The pair of mallards below were fishing and spent a lot of time with their heads under water.
I like the shape created in the water below.
The duck in the next shot has an interesting feature on top of its head created by the darker feathers.