
Blog Archive

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Our World Tuesday: Sunday walk

After a foggy drizzly start, Sunday ended up being a perfect walking day.
It was unseasonably warm, more like spring than winter.
It was the kind of day where you start with a jacket but end up tying it around your waist half way through a walk.
If it hadn't been for the winter browns, I could have easily mistaken it for March instead of January.
I like an occasional warm winter day but I'm glad the forecast shows it won't last too long.
Some winters fool the flower bulbs with warm day and they emerge too early, only to be killed when it turns cold again.
Last winter was pretty mild and I hope we have some snow this year.
The only snow we had last winter was late and ended up covering early flowers.
I don't mind flowers in the snow as they are briefly beautiful but I missed not having a winter snow last year.
The human fishermen were at the spot where I usually see great blue heron.
I didn't see any heron at the lake or in the creeks on this walk which is unusual.
The heron may have been hiding from all the extra humans with their dogs out on a pretty day.
I guess I'll end with a pair of Canadian Geese.


Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Definitely that does not look like Winter, but definitely it does look beautiful. The heron probably stays home on Sundays -- he'll be back at work tomorrow!

Ramakrishnan said...

Lovely collection of pictures - gives me a feeling of peace,calm & serenity.

♥ Łucja-Maria ♥ said...

Welcome to Carver!
Wonderful to look at the wonderful scenery.
Your photos are always beautiful.

DeniseinVA said...

A lovely series of photos Carver. Have a great week :)

Karen said...

We broke some temperature records here in my part of Canada. Warmest day in over 18 years for this time of year.

A beautiful day for a walk Carver, and lovely captures.

Judy said...

Oh Carver, what a beautiful walk you took. Your winter looks like our late fall.

Sylvia K said...

A wonderful day to walk indeed and it surely doesn't look like winter! We're having the usual gray weather, but the temps are quite mild considering that it is mid January!! You do catch such great shots on your walks! Thanks for sharing them with us! Hope you have a great week!

Unknown said...

Looks great!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

Anna said...

Beautiful World,Carver and I love the nature!
Have a nice week and warm greetings Anna

Fun60 said...

What a lovely walk.

eileeninmd said...

Carver, lovely scenes from your walk. I love to have these mild winter days, it is great to go out walking. Thanks for sharing, hope you have a happy week!

carol l mckenna said...

Gorgeous photography! Wow!

(A Creative Harbor)

We are having similar weather in New England ~

Indrani said...

I like the variety. Great series of captures.

Anonymous said...

What beautiful shots - that lake is so very pretty! Can't believe how mild and warm it looks.

Cezar and Léia said...

A wonderful day for walking and your pictures are adorable, I specially like the image with the bikes!

Dana said...

What a beautiful sky!

Molly said...

Beautiful crisp images, they really feel like spring



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