
Blog Archive

Thursday, August 16, 2012

SkyWatch Friday: Window and Yard Views

I love to watch the sunset from my bedroom window.
There was only one day over the past week where the sun came out long enough to set.
I have let the ivy grow all the way up to my roof and the wind caught this loose sprig blowing it across the view of the sunset.
There continues to be very little blue but like each week there has been one day with some blue in between solid gray.
I like the way the clouds swirl like dancers.
I have heard of many parts of the U.S. suffering from droughts this summer but we have had plenty of rain all summer long where I live in NC.
As hot as it has been this summer I'm grateful for all the rain we've had.


Gillian Olson said...

Beautiful sunset series and some very interesting cloud formations.

Ramakrishnan said...

All amazing and spectacular pics.

Indrani said...

You got glorious sights from your bedroom.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

How lovely to have that view from your bedroom window...

Your 'one day a week' sunshine reminds me of when we used to live (year round) in Oregon -- winter here was like that -- mostly rain and drizzle, but at least a few hours a week of blue sky and sun (of course those hours usually happened when we were at work).

I'm glad you've had some rain. The drought and heat around the country has made me vow never to complain about rain again. Ever.

Whispering Thoughts said...

Loved the pictures especially of the clouds swirling in the sky.

Unknown said...

Great colours in the first of the Series!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.


Magnificet colors on the first shots! What a sky!

Rambling Woods said...

beautiful color Carver

eileeninmd said...

Carver, you have a beautiful view of the sunset from your room. Lovely skies and photos. Happy skywatching!

Kusum said...

Beautiful collection of sky-images!

Rajesh said...

Wonderful shots. The golden sky is grand.

Anonymous said...

le même ciel que j'ai eu hier

Laloofah said...

I can sure see why you enjoy watching the sunset from your window! I especially love the photo with the ivy silhouette in the foreground. And the rarity of your blue skies this summer must make you appreciate them all the more. The photo with the billowing storm clouds is quite striking - send some of that rain our way, wouldya? :-)

Anonymous said...

What gorgeous sunset shots.


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