I love fog as long as I don't have to drive in it. I took a bunch of pictures in the NC mountains when it was foggy earlier this week.
Click for the weekend in black and white.
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October 2010
- The Weekend in Black and White: Foggy afternoon
- SkyWatch Friday: Blowing Rock North Carolina
- The Weekend in Black and White: tree scribbler
- SkyWatch Friday: Inkblot Sky
- ABC Wednesday: N is for Nest
- That's My World Tuesday: Great Blue Heron and othe...
- The Weekend in Black and White: rocks and water
- Skywatch Friday: Looking up and down at the sky
- ABC Wednesday: M is for Moss
- That's My World Tuesday: Fall Unfolds in Slow Motion
- The Weekend in Black and White: Coming in for the ...
- SkyWatch Friday: Mixed sky shots
- ABC Wednesday: L is for Lake Lynn
- That's My World Tuesday: October flies in to the r...
- The Weekend in Black and White: Creek Crossing
- ► September 2010 (19)
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Friday, October 29, 2010
The Weekend in Black and White: Foggy afternoon
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
SkyWatch Friday: Blowing Rock North Carolina
I came home today from Blowing Rock, NC which is in the northwestern part of my state. I am posting early for skywatch because I haven't put anything new up on my blog while I was out of town.
The shot above was the sun setting over the Moses Cone Manor House in Blowing Rock and the shot below was taken through the trees during a walk on one of the trails at that park.
Click for the home of SkyWatch Friday.
Friday, October 22, 2010
The Weekend in Black and White: tree scribbler
I guess tree carver would be a more accurate title but I had nothing to do with the markings on the tree, so I want to leave my name off the title.
Click for the home of the weekend in black and white.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
SkyWatch Friday: Inkblot Sky
Looking at the sky through the leaves made me think of an inkblot test.
Click for the home of SkyWatch Friday.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
ABC Wednesday: N is for Nest
The nuthatch needs a nest and claims this nifty nesting box nestled under my roof eaves.
In the spring newly hatched nuthatches are quite noisy and mom leaves to get nourishment.
At summer's end when the leaves fall off the vine, a nest from the past spring is revealed.
Another nest was built deep in the bushes which I avoid pruning until the babies were all grown up. The next nest was built high up in the pine trees.
While new buds formed on the tulip tree an old nest sat exposed until spring leaves covered it again.
Click for the home of ABC Wednesday to find other takes on the letter N.
Monday, October 18, 2010
That's My World Tuesday: Great Blue Heron and other sights
The great blue heron at Shelley Lake have spots they tend to hang out in during different seasons.
The spot where I saw this one is generally where I see them in the fall.
They are easier to photograph this time of year. I know where to find them during the spring and summer but they are very skittish and fly off fast during those seasons.
I can get much closer this time of year and they focus on fishing and ignore me.
Saturday was the perfect day for walking. It was cold in the morning but by mid day was warmer and very pleasant.
I have mostly been posting walks for my world lately but that's when I've been taking the most pictures.
To visit other parts of the world, click for the home of That's My World Tuesday.
Friday, October 15, 2010
The Weekend in Black and White: rocks and water
I love to watch water passing over rocks, even when there aren't significant falls. I find it beautiful the way water looks like brush strokes on rocks.
Click for the home of the Weekend in Black and White.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Skywatch Friday: Looking up and down at the sky
It's interesting to me how sometimes the reflection of the sky shows the true colors while the actual sky looks washed out in the photograph.
Click for the home of skywatch Friday.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
ABC Wednesday: M is for Moss
Moving across mossy mountain rocks may be mired in mishaps if your footing isn't steady.
Moss on the sides of the mountain trails are easier to maneuver through without mistakes.
Moss on steep rocks heading up the mountains may be messy if you miss making your step carefully.
Mountain moss may seem easier to make your way on with flat areas but in combination with mixed roots and wet ground may be tricky.
By the way, the moss in these photographs is of a variety of kinds but I call it mountain moss because all of the shots were taken in the mountains. The third and last shot were taken in the southern Virginia mountains and the rest were taken in the northern North Carolina mountains.
For more takes on the letter M, please visit ABC Wednesday.
Monday, October 11, 2010
That's My World Tuesday: Fall Unfolds in Slow Motion
This time of year with the dogwoods and a few other trees already getting their fall foliage while others are still green, it almost feels like fall is unfolding in slow motion.
I am savoring the season and enjoy spotting the small daily and weekly changes.
I am glad that we are having such good walking weather and that I am able to get out and enjoy it.
In a way it works out well for me to photo walk because I'm not feeling able to walk fast but if I stop and take pictures a lot I can manage to walk fairly far.
The photographs in this post are from two different walks (Thursday and Sunday).
I am mixing up the order so it's not like taking two walks with me, it's like walking for a few minutes then zipping ahead three day and then zipping back three days.
I have trouble picking which photographs to use because I'm taking so many.
There are certain times of year when it's almost funny how many photographs I take.
I'm looking forward to when we hit the peak in terms of fall foliage.
It will also be nice when the trees have all lost their leaves because I love shooting bare limbs against the sky.
There aren't any times of the year that don't have photographic opportunities but the heat of the summer is my least favorite time to be outside so good to see that go.
When I first saw the mallard ducks I thought they were leaves because they were balled up so tight.
To visit other parts of the world, please go to the home of That's My World Tuesday.
Friday, October 8, 2010
The Weekend in Black and White: Coming in for the landing
Click for the home of The Weekend in Black and White.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
SkyWatch Friday: Mixed sky shots
Last week the sky banged against my closed blinds and beckoned me outside.
I had already closed the blinds for the night because it was a stormy day and I had turned on the inside lights. I glanced at my white blinds and they were turned golden from the outside light so I grabbed my camera.
It was extraordinary how everything outside had a gold cast. The next shot was taken a few days later of a different sky.
I usually try to stick with one shot for SkyWatch Friday but this week it was too hard to decide.
The last shot was taken this Wednesday. I like to take photographs looking up through my dogwood tree.
For sky shots around the world, visit the home of Skywatch Friday.
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