
Blog Archive

Thursday, January 26, 2012

SkyWatch Friday: Moving too fast

A few trees are moving too fast towards spring due to the crazy weather.

Although most of the trees are naked, I do worry about ones that are starting to look to spring.
I am enjoying the variety of sky shooting opportunities.
It seems like it's always gray until I glance at my weekly sky photos and realize there is a lot of blue in between the storms.
The Dogwood may not do very well this spring because I've noticed a lot of the tips of the branches have been broken off.
I think I prefer the bare branches of winter to almost any of the tree cycles.
I like how the light can bronze the branches like the shot below.
I am missing snow this winter. I don't want an extreme storm but I enjoy a pretty snow.
I feel like I'm saying the same things each week when I post my sky shots but that's because there isn't much new going on.
I keep shooting the hodgepodge sky and wonder about the bizarre weather.
I am starting to bore myself although I don't find the sky boring.
I run out of things to say so perhaps I should just post one shot and not try to write in between shots.
Maybe I'll try that next week.
Click for the home of SkyWatch Friday.


Penelope Notes said...

Oh, that last shot would make a wonderful backdrop for a mystery. Dark and brooding with a hint of light on the horizon.

Karen said...

Beautiful shots! We have had no real winter here either. It's a bit scary to see trees in bud in January.

LadyFi said...

What gorgeous blue skies! We had some buds coming out in December because it was so mild... the snow has put a stop to that now.

Liz said...

I love all photos especially the last one. Happy sky watching.


Anonymous said...

the weather has been very mild here too. so spring-like most of the winter so far. however, i haven't seen buds on the trees like you.

am back to meme-ing. got too busy last week, i even missed photo hunt, which i love.

hope you are having a great week.

Gillian Olson said...

I especially like those last few shots with the silhouettes and the one of the weather vane.

Sylvia K said...

Wonderful captures as always, Carver! I do love those BLUE skies, but like you, I worry that January is too early to see buds on the trees! The weather everywhere has been so bizarre the past several seasons!! Hope you have a lovely weekend!


Rajesh said...

Fantastic views of the sky with those naked trees.

NatureFootstep said...

nice shots. It is not good if they come out with leaves now. It is way to early. I m happy with the little amount of wnow that we have. But I would like a few days with -10degC. I need to defrost my freezer. :(
Have a great weekend.

eileeninmd said...

Beautiful clouds and skies, Carver. I really like the weathervanes, great captures. Happy Skywatching!

keeyit said...

The first picture looks like the plum blossoms in Malaysia.

Happy Friday~

Indrani said...

You always have a great series to present.

Tatjana Parkacheva said...

Beautiful photos.

Regards and best wishes

Sivinden said...

Beautiful sihouettes against the skies!

Laura said...

beautiful photos is strange here too...I see buds and a vine growing green through the snow the other morning!

Ebie said...

The first tree looks like a promising abundance of spring flowers!

genie said...

I am definitely with you....I want nice snow but NOT a big one. Our tree and daffodils are doing the same as yours and it is a bit scary. At times like this I remember my aging mother saying...” That “Sputnik” thing should never been sent up. It is going to mess with our weather!” I still get a chuckle out of that one. Maybe it is Global Warming...that is frightening. Your shots are beautiful. You gave us a flawless series today. So glad I didn’t miss it. Genie


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