
Blog Archive

Thursday, May 16, 2013

SkyWatch Friday: Blue Skies

I've been enjoying some blue in the sky recently.
I like the contrast between the clouds and the brilliant blue.
We're also adding more and more green this time of the year.
The mockingbird on a wire was fun to watch.
This mockingbird seemed to be surveying the city from its wire perch.
I love to see trees around office buildings.
I always photograph this house by the office parking lot.
This is a long skywatch post but as often happens I had trouble picking shots.
Usually when I'm busy posts are long because it takes longer to be selective.
Cotton ball clouds are always my favorite.
I like the quilted look in the sky.
Also pleasant to have the greenery from the tree.


Cezar and Léia said...

Dear Carver, these are wonderful pictures. I love the different colors of blue, adorable compositions!

Judy said...

Love the blue skies. We too have been having some blue skies.

Anonymous said...

What wonderful blue skies!

Nonnie said...

long doesn't matter when I'm scrolling such an array of blue skies with white clouds! it brightens my spirits because here it's grey.
I couldn't comment using my blog's name; message was that the url must have a host name. it does!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Those quilted skies are wonderful! I know what you mean about how it takes time to narrow down photos (and you have to be in the right mood). But all of your photos are good, so it's really not the same problem for you as it is for me )))

Photo Cache said...

the blue skies you've been having are so cheerful. it feels like it's ushering us all into the summer months in the most beautiful way.

Steffi said...

Wonderful photos with blue skies,Carver!Have a nice weekend!

HansHB said...

Great color in your sky-photos!
Nice to see!

Rambling Woods said...

I love sky watching...

Sylvia K said...

Such beautiful blue, blue skies and I love the puffy white clouds -- the perfect accent!! Terrific captures, Carver, as always! Hope you have a wonderful weekend! Enjoy!! said...

Great shots
I love bright. Blue skies

Joyful said...

Glorious blue skies you show. Have a wonderful weekend. xx

eileeninmd said...

Beautiful blue skies, Carver! Wonderful sky shots, have a great weekend!

Carletta said...

Beautiful from the clear blue skies with white clouds to the cotton ball sky!
Lovely shots Carver!!

Karen said...

Lovely shades of blue, and that mockingbird is cute!

Indrani said...

These are indeed lovely captures. Lovely blue!

Rajesh said...

Wonderful set of images, nice variety.

lina@women said...

No wonder you felt hard to pick, they all are wonderful to see!

Liz said...

Lovely blue skies. Happy sky watching.

My sky.

♥ Łucja-Maria ♥ said...

Welcome to Carver!
I admire and love your beautiful photos.
I love the blue sky. This is wonderful.
I send greetings.

Arija said...

Beautiful blue and white skies and the mockingbird is a bonus.


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