
Blog Archive

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

ABC Wednesday: R is for River

Roaring River for R day. I took this shot in May of 2011 in West Virginia. This time of the year these trees are probably all bare by now.


MaR said...

What a beautiful choice for R, Carver!

R is for...

photowannabe said...

I can almost hear the roar of that river and feel the mist rising.
Terrific shot.

Roger Owen Green said...

Lovely. I have some Joni Mitchell song stuck in my mind...
ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Hildred said...

A wonderful photo - so interpretative of the power of the river.

Anonymous said...

lovely shot. yes i can almost hear the roar and the feel the splash.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Beautiful picture, shows perfectly the difference between a River and a still body of water....I love this.

Joy said...

The mist hanging in the trees makes me think it is early morning, love the shot of colour of the anorak wearer (possibly an essential piece of clothing by a roaring river).
Joy - ABC Team

lotusleaf said...

So romantic and beautiful!

Nonnie said...

magnificent capture of that awesome RIVER!

Indrani said...

Very well taken. The flow of the river framed so well.

MastHoliday said...

Cool shot! love the weather and flow of the river.

Obsessivemom said...

What. Wonderfully tumultuous river. Lovely shot.

Beth L said...

Lovely, I can hear the water rushing over the rocks.

Reader Wil said...

Whenever I see a photo of a roaring river or waterfall, I think of the Holberg Suite by Grieg. That starts with a roaring waterfall of sounds and is awesome from the very beginning to the end.Beautiful photo!
Wil, ABCW Team.

EG CameraGirl said...

You have captured well the moodiness of the river on a foggy day.

Powell River Books said...

I can almost hear it. I bet there are lots of fish lurking in those big holes at the bottom. My dad always loved to fish below a falls. - Margy

Leslie: said...

Wow! amazing shot especially with that speck of orange to show perspective of size.

abcw team

Anonymous said...

I love the cascading river and the fog gives it lots of atmosphere, but the orange jacket keeps this from being somber -in other words, perfect!

Anonymous said...

I love the cascading river and the fog gives it lots of atmosphere, but the orange jacket keeps this from being somber -in other words, perfect!

Anonymous said...

nice choice for R. nice click too

genie said...

What a beautiful picture of the river. It is so misty there. We are leaving for WV tomorrow for Bud to run in a race over there on Sat. Bet there are no leaves left on the trees now.


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