
Blog Archive

Thursday, November 21, 2013

SkyWatch Friday: November is still colorful where I live

Even in the fog the autumn leaves stand out.
We continue to have a mix of rainy and sunny days.
I have had another week full of sky photography.
The sky changes so much even over a few hours.
I'm seeing more of the sky through bare leaves but many trees haven't dropped their leaves yet.
I caught the moon one morning before it went to sleep for the day.
When I go to the office for meetings I always snap a few shots.
The crepe myrtle below is on the curb of the parking lot I use.
The crepe myrtle trees at my house have already lost their leaves unlike the one above. The shot below is of one of the few houses on a downtown block in Durham that's mostly offices.
The house in the next shot was converted to be used for offices.
I never tire of photographing water towers. 
We've had a great mix of clouds.
 The shot above and below is of the same Japanese Maple.
I spotted a lace collar across the sky below.
The next shot is of one of the oak trees in my front yard.
Next a long piece of lace.
The next shot shows branches from two of my three oak trees.
Next a mix of clouds and oak tree limbs.
The last shot is of the clouds above pine trees and a bare limb tree I shot from my back yard.


Anonymous said...

I love those blue blue skies!

♥ Łucja-Maria ♥ said...

Carver, thank you, I could have you see the blue sky ...
For me it is still cloudy and rainy.
Beautiful pictures.

Photo Cache said...

beautiful scenes. the colors are peaking now here in my neck of the woods.

Rajesh said...

Beautiful shots with lovely blue sky.

Cezar and Léia said...

A beautiful set of images dear Carver, I love those red leaves and the adorable blue sky!

Ileana said...

Beautiful picture!
Have a nice day!

Sylvia K said...

Such beautiful blue skies!! We're enjoying some of those here in Portland his week!! And such wonderful red leaves -- we have the same maples here and I do love them! Have a wonderful weekend, Carver!!

Anonymous said...

Always beautiful photography ~ sky shots are great for SWF ~ thanks, carol, xxx

Al said...

Lovely skies - fog is always great to photograph.

Karen said...

November here has been very grey! Lovely shots.

Our photos said...

Beautul sky and the other photos.

lina@womens perspectives said...

Awesome skies and trees, Carver.

Ercotravels said...

Sheer beautiful color of the autumn and spectacular sky watching..

Jan K. alias Afanja said...

These are beautiful shots of your friendly skies. I love the combination with the wonderful autumn colours.
Thanks for sharing and enjoy your weekend!

Indrani said...

So many colors and cloud patterns. Lovely captures all.


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