
Blog Archive

Thursday, November 14, 2013

SkyWatch Friday: Second week of November

We had a stunning sunset after a gray and rainy day.
Sometimes the best sunsets occur when the sun doesn't come out until it's around sundown.
The pink sky below was in the northeast part of the sky while the dramatic bands of color were southwest where the sun was setting.
This time of the year seems to be a good time for dramatic skies.
I love how vivid the colors are.
The helicopter flew past my window while I was watching the colorful sunset.
We still have a lot of colorful leaves although many are dropping now.
I caught a moon sliver in the late afternoon one day.
I like to look at the lake through branches.
I think the leaves almost look like polka dots in the next shot.
Below is the afternoon moon several days after the one I showed earlier in this post.
This sky watch post looks like the sky has been mostly blue but that's misleading.
I've taken more shots on the sunnier days or the parts of the day when the rain stops and we get some clearer skies.
I did take quite a few shots Tuesday when it was overcast.
The colorful leaves below brighten up the sky and water tower.
As the branches become naked I think they lend a gothic atmosphere to photography.
The church bell tower was playing peekaboo below.


Anonymous said...

Gorgeous and colourful shots!

Photo Cache said...

all kinds of gorgeous. my fave is the pink-hued sky. i love pink.

Steffi said...

Very beautiful photos for SWF,Carver!Well done.Have a nice weekend.

Sylvia K said...

Oh, a glorious sunset indeed and what terrific captures, Carver!! I love them all, the sunset is special though!! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!!

Rajesh said...

Beautiful shots. I like the lovely sunset sky.

Anonymous said...

Magnificent photography ~ Wow! Sky Shots for SWF are gorgeous ~ carol, xxx

Indrani said...

You got some amazing colors in the sunset shots, but then blue skies have a charm of their own.

Karen said...

Clouds make for spectacular sunsets, and you captured one beautifully!

Our photos said...

Beautiful are your photos!
Greetings from Holland, RW & SK

lina@women tips said...

Admire your sky shots, Carver. Enjoying them all.
We have gray skies and rainy days for weeks here.

Joyful said...

What a glorious array of photos. So many nice ones. Happy SWF!

Cezar and Léia said...

The moon is so romantic, lovely pictures dear Carver.The purple sky is awesome!
Happy weekend,

Carletta said...

You do still have color. After snow this week ours is all gone.
You got some lovely shots. I LOVE the one of the tree against the sky and the sunset shots are gorgeous! What wonderful color!

Regina said...

Beautiful skies!



Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Beautiful colors -- sky and what's under it! The sunset was fabulous. I've noticed when we're in Oregon that a grayish day can have a beautiful sunset ... it's almost as if the sun gives its all at its last gasp!


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