
Blog Archive

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

ABC Wednesday: W is for White

We didn't get any of the white winter snow that other parts of the U.S. got last week, so I went back to February of 2012 to a confused camellia that bloomed too early and was dumped on.
0000000whiteABC WedDSCN4002


genie said...

What a beautiful capture with the red popping through the snow and the green leaves. Lovely.

Judy said...

Awe poor thing, it makes a pretty photo tho.

EG CameraGirl said...

I guess you have been rather lucky weather-wise! I remember you posting about that poor confused camellia! ;)

MaR said...

Wonderful shot, poor camelia!

W is for...

Leslie: said...

Beautiful photo, Carver. And I do wish you all a very Merry Christmas.

abcw team

photowannabe said...

That looks like my camellia bush from the week of hard frosts we have had. Poor pretty flowers.

Leovi said...

Poor rosebuds, buried by snow !

Hildred said...

A great capture, - so symbolically Christmas.

Anonymous said...

awww, poor camelia. did it lose all the blooms afterwards?

Roger Owen Green said...

Hey, Carver, you are WELCOME to the WHITE stuff WE got here both Sunday and today!
ROG, ABC Wednesday team

♥ Łucja-Maria ♥ said...

Oh snow!
Poor camellias. Wonderful picture.
I send kisses and greetings ♥ ♥ ♥

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Aww poor baby! When we bought our house in Oregon (in 1971) there were two lovely Camellia bushes by the front door... the very next year there was a rare bad winter with frost and thaw and frost and thaw and it killed both bushes. Waaah...after all these years (and even years since we've sold the house) I still fell bad about that.

I hope yours survived .... the photo is beautiful.

Joy said...

Hope the camellia wasn't too weighed down under the snow. They are remarkably resilient and I always think of them as a wonder budding at the time they do.
Joy - ABC Team

lissa said...

that poor flower. it's always nature that suffers the most.

no snow? we have some in new york just today.

hope you have a great holiday.

Carol said...

Beautiful shot of the snow covered Camellia and it is also festive looking. I would love to get some of that white stuff...

aspiritofsimplicity said...

very pretty image. We got some of the white can have some of ours if you like.

Indrani said...

Oh! Bowing down with weight of snow.
Nice capture!


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