
Blog Archive

Thursday, October 2, 2014

SkyWatch Friday: last Sunday in September at the NC art museum park

I zoomed in on this installation at the museum park primarily because a bird landed on it but you can barely see the bird. This is a very tall piece and when it's windy the top part I zoomed in on moves around on the pedestal.


The next shot was also taken at the museum park and I was glad to see some late blooms against the sky.


Click for SkyWatch Friday.


DeniseinVA said...

Two great photos. The museum art is fascinating and a good perch for the little bird.

Anonymous said...

What lovely shots.

sallie ( said...

That's quite an amazing piece. And the blue on blue of the second picture is stunning.

Sylvia K said...

Terrific, different captures for the day, Carver!! Hope you have a great weekend!

carol l mckenna said...

Gorgeous shots ~ each very different yet all part of the scenery ~ Love the 2nd one!

Happy Weekend

artmusedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)

Jane Hards Photography said...

Loved the museum art. Perfect pitstop for birds.

Anonymous said...

Nice shots with the sky for a backdrop.

Photo Cache said...

great shots, what is that bloom do you know?

Rajesh said...

Nice shots. I like that first shot.

lina@women perspective said...

I can see the bird. Very interesting installation.

fredamans said...

I spotted the lil bird!
Love the wildflowers too!

Indrani said...

Nice contrast in the pics. Man made and nature against the sky! :)


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