
Blog Archive

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Nature Notes and Our World Tuesday: mid to late November

Fall is drawing to a close in my neck of the woods with my oak trees changing and dropping their leaves fast.


I was starting to get a collection of ice circles on my deck from emptying out the frozen water from bird baths until Sunday where the temperatures got high enough for most of them to melt.


I can't remember if I've ever posted this carved saying which is on a wall in the garden where I frequently walk during lunch.


I usually eat lunch at my desk while I work and then go outside and walk when the weather is suitable.


When I refer to a lunch walk, that means that the break part is walking while usually the eating part is working.


It was pretty nippy this week when I was walking because not only were the temperatures around freezing on the days I walked at lunch, the wind made it feel even colder.


Mind you, I'm not complaining and when I think about what many of the states in the U.S. are dealing with in terms of big November snows, it's been down right pleasant here.


The early part of the upcoming week will have spring like temperatures and rain before it turns cold again and returns to sunny days later in the week.


The late flowers mostly turned brown by the end of last week but still a bit of color left.


I love how feathery the bare trees look when they first drop their leaves.


I'll look forward to watching the fairly recently planted trees grow in the downtown park over the upcoming years.


I am glad that I can find nature within a hop skip and a jump of the office buildings I work in.


I used the plural because I work in one building and have some meetings in another building across the street and there are two others I occasionally go to within a city block.


The house I often photograph is next to the old manufacturing and warehouse buildings which were renovated for offices by the company I work for. I wouldn't mind working in that house but it is used by another business with smaller space requirements.


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Rambling Woods said...

Oh I miss fall already. Thank you for taking me back with your Nature Notes post.. I had better get busy with mine... Michelle

Anonymous said...

What lovely autumn shots!

Penelope Notes said...

One photo blew me away because it looks so much like a painting in this series. I could easily see it hanging on my wall. I think the flower is a white curling chrysanthemum with petals that are starting to turn brown.

maryaustria said...

A beautiful series of photos! I love all the colors of nature!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

As long as you have to go in to the office now, it is wonderful that it's located in such a picturesque area. Beautiful Fall (and I know what you mean about being glad the cold isn't as bad as elsewhere. ours here in Oregon is the same as yours I think.)

EG CameraGirl said...

I LOVE that Japanese saying! Nature is so beautiful.

Fun60 said...

You work is surrounded by a great area for walking and clearing the head at lunchtime.

Sylvia K said...

Wonderful Fall captures showing nature at its best, Carver, and I love the Japanese saying as well!! Thanks for sharing!! Have a great week!!!

Rajesh said...

Beautiful images from nature. I like them.

eileeninmd said...

Pretty Autumn images.. I love the trees and the carved saying.. Have a happy Thanksgiving..

Leora said...

You have some lovely color to show! Glad the crazy early winter isn't hitting you at all. We just had frost and some mighty cold days, but nothing like upstate NY.

Photo Cache said...

How beautiful are the signs of the changing season. I love seeing a dried up/wilting rose.

Worth a Thousand Words

Fernando Santos (Chana) said...

Excelentes fotografias....

Barb said...

I'm glad you take time to walk in Nature during your work day - I bet it makes you more productive. I came by to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving. Enjoy your weather - it's frigid and snowing here.

Hootin Anni said...

Everything is its own way.

betty-NZ said...

These are some lovely autumn colors. I'm sure it's a nice break in your day to see them.

NCSue said...

Beautiful images!
Thanks for sharing at

Gillian Olson said...

Beautiful fall images! Happy Thanksgiving.

NatureStop said...

WOW! Such lovely colours and such a great post. Have a great week ahead!



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